The Party/Club Addition

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"Oh my god Grace." Noah smiles. He's completely sobered up now as he runs towards the blonde girl hastily

Grace smiles, her eyes pooling with happy tears as she opens her arms ready to embrace him, he does, embracing her in a tight hug. They started talking as everybody stared in shock, one person in jealousy.

All of them apart from, well, Finn and Millie walked over to the two, hugging the mysterious girl for saving their friends life. they all let Finn and Millie have their moment

"Finn." Millie smiles making Finn grin. Just like Noah and grace Finn and Millie Dan towards each other, embracing each other tightly

"I'm so sorry millie, for everything." Finn frowns as Millie pulls out of the embrace staring him right in the eyes.

"It's okay, I never gave up on you." Millie smiles. Finn smiles back, a curl falling over his forehead and into his eyes as Millie giggles lightly, brushing it away with her soft hand making Finn's breathing hitch, he stares down at the girl, admiring every single detail about her.

"You look pretty, really pretty." Finn smiles cutely as Millie's cheeks tint a satisfying red colour, "Are you blushing?" Finn teases making Millie scoff

"Yep." Millie replies not ashamed at all because she finally has this boy. Although the lingering thought of his lips pressed against Ivy's is still in the back of her mind.

"Also you look hot as fuck." Millie laughs at His now red tomato face, "now who's blushing?"  Millie asks teasingly, he shrugs his shoulders

"Touché." He replies. It was silent, they were staring into each others eyes. Finn interlaced their hands together, smiling at the girl who was barely up to his collarbone in height.

Millie kept staring into his beautiful whiskey eyes, admiring the small freckles that sat upon his nose little sprinkles, it made something in her stomach flutter. It was the first time in a long time that millie could finally talk, could finally be this close to the boy she loved and she wasn't going to throw it away, especially when he was under the now clear moonlight shine glow in which he looked even more beautiful if it was possible

"Can you two already profess your undying love to each other so we can go and I can eat my feelings because I'm so single." Chosen laughs making them all giggle

"The man's right." Sadie smirks, raising her eyebrows suggestively

"We are just friends thank you very much." Millie smirks at Sadie

"Yeah." Finn agrees with her

"Oh please I've only seen this shit for five minutes and I can already tell you're both in love with each other." Grace smiles at the two, winking at millie  making the brunette playfully roll her eyes.

Silence passed, a comfortable silence between them all. Suddenly they all hear groaning and stirring. They all looked at Jacob in horror, he held the back of his head trying to stop the small stream of blood with his hands, he leant his body against one of large trees out of the many that surrounded them.

Finn immediately sprung into action, hiding Millie behind him almost like he was protecting her. She smirked but it soon turned into a smile because she realised that his boy really is something special

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