Never Leave Me

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"Finn Wolfhard." She gasps, shakily standing up, almost falling over from all the shock. He continues to stare at the girl, as he watches her face turn up into a gargantuan smile. She tackles him in a hug taking him aback but he is quick to wrap his arms around her

"It's been too long." Finn whispers, hugging her fragile frame, her body heat radiating off onto him. The smell of her apple, strawberry fusion hair drowning in his nostrils, he found the sweet smell quite satisfying and relaxing.

"I know." She replies, her head still buried in his chest. She pulls away and looks him in the eye once more, each of them staring in awe at how much they've both changed.

Millie looks so mature now, she was beautiful back then but now she's the most breathtaking sight he's ever layed eyes on. The miles and miles of olive skin that looked soft to the touch, he so badly wanted to feel. Her hair is a bit longer now, a beautiful brown colour. It seems like she gotten smaller or maybe it's just the fact Finn is a giant.

Finn had changed massively, but in a good way, in a great way. He was really good looking before but now, now he has the power to make anybody feel weak to their knees. His ebony curls have grown longer, twisting up aggressively at the ends. He's definitely grown taller, Millie's forehead is only up to his chest now and she couldn't feel anymore intimidated yet comfortable at the same exact time. His freckled cheeks more prominent than ever because it was just summer a few days ago.

The two both found themselves staring for a bit longer than they should have.

"Ahem." Someone clears their throat from behind Millie, making her look over her shoulder to see Noah and Sadie smirking

"Right." Millie sighs, "Finn these are my two dorks of friends." Millie smiles as they gasp in offence

"Nice to meet you both." Finn smiles at them.

The brown haired boy was as taller than the red headed girl, but only by a few centimetres. He had a refined face and green eyes that looked innocent yet guilty.

The girl had fiery red hair that fell to a bit below her shoulders and blue icy eyes that could pierce through any bodies soil. She had quite a petite frame but not as small as Millie's.

"Mind explaining how you two know each other?" Sadie smirks

"It's a long story." Millie replies, glaring at Sadie because that smirk on her face indicates one thing, and Millie knew exactly what it meant. The smirk that every bestfriend had, the teasing one, the one that signals that your friend thinks that you like the person or the other way around

"We've got time." Noah replies sassily, slicking back his straight hair.

"Noah stop being nosy." Millie stubbornly snaps, Finn thought she looked extremely cute when she was angry. Cute? Finn cringed at the thought, he didn't like Millie like that but he could swallow his pride and admit she was beautiful and cute and innocent and amazing and kind and- oh he had to admit she is, and will always be amazing.

"Finn could I talk to you for a second... alone?." Millie asks, smiling at him. The boy is still in shock at her, at the fact that this girl was stood in front of him, he couldn't feel more blessed that his wish had came true, that this amazing girl was here.

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