Chapter 2

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When I wake up this time I am in a dark and murky cell. The air smells like burning flesh and blood, making me want to vomit. Panic rises up within me, if I'm in the dungeons of a pack that means it won't be long before I am punished or killed.

I'm still wearing my ripped clothes and worn out shoes. My eyes catch a wooden bowl with some watery soup inside. Despite how unappetising it looks, I drink it because I am starving. I could barely taste it anyway but it helped the dryness in my throat.

After what feels like hours but was probably only half an hour. I hear one familiar voice and one unfamiliar voice, but then I smell the most intoxicating thing I have ever smelt in my entire life. Cocoa with a hint of mint mixed in with some aftershave.

I hear a very loud growl and I look up to see the most gorgeously intimidating human being I've laid eyes on.

"Mine!" He growls primally, before turning around to face the Beta, "why is your Luna in a cell?"

The dots quickly connect in my head, he is the Alpha and I'm the rogue caught trespassing on his land, but also supposedly his mate.

"Obviously Elizabeth," Eartha scolds me but I ignore her, pushing her further away in my mind. I wonder what pack this is?

"Alpha Xavier, we had no clue she was our Luna we sincerely apologize." The Beta states in a calm tone but everyone could hear his racing heart. Alpha Xavier, the name sends a shiver down my spine. He is known to be one of the most ruthless Alpha's out there. He kills anyone who trespasses on the spot. Perhaps even his own mate.

My heart rate increases as I try to take deep breaths, I don't want to die, but I'm stuck in a cell with a killer, most of my pack is probably dead, including my parents and the only few friends I had, if I were to somehow survive I have no idea where I'd go.

I see a guard hand Alpha Xavier a key, but before he can open up my cell I launch myself at the wolvesbane covered bars without thinking and grab the key out of his hand. I cry out in pain as the wolvesbane seeps into the many cuts in my arm, adding additional burns.

He lets out a growl that shakes the room with ease and I see his eyes change from their soft brown to a demonic black as his wolf takes total control over his body.

"Give me the key, mate," he snarls.

That most definitely does not make me want to give him the key. My legs give out as my body shakes harder so I dig my head into my knees and curl up in the corner, hoping that I'd somehow become invisible or he would give up and leave me alone.

A pain filled howl echoes throughout the dungeons making my heart ache and my wolf whine wanting to be held by Xavier. She wanted nothing more than to be comforted by him.

I conflicted emotions arise in my mind, my wolf wants to snuggle into our mates arms, whereas I want to stay as far away from him as possible.

My salty tears sting my arms making me wince. The scent of burning flesh fills the air as I hear my mate groaning in pain, when I look up I see him trying to rip off the steel bars causing my wolf release an earsplitting wail, making me grimace slightly, she claws inside my head trying to gain control to save her mate but I use all of my little energy to stop her and decide to get up myself and limp over to the bars.

I gently place my cold hands on top of his warm ones. His wolf immediately looks up at me, hurt evident even in his coal black eyes, he whimpers seeing my tear stained face and bloody arms.

"Please don't kill me," I whisper, my throat beginning to ache from the lack of hydration.

His eyes flicker violently between brown and black before they settle as their warm brown ones.

"I would never even think about laying a finger on you, my mate," he murmurs softly.

Somehow without me noticing he swiftly takes the keys from my shaking hands and steadily unlocks the cell.

I stumble and trip backwards into the brick walls in fright, hitting my head a little, I gasped and flinched ever so slightly but it was enough to make his wolf steal back control and flash in front of me, gathering me into his arms and quickly head into a large bedroom.

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