Chapter 34

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The words pour out of my mouth, spilling onto the ground as I speak quickly, not stopping to take a breath. I'm surprised Xavier can even understand my babbling.

His breathing becomes quicker and heavier as he struggles to contain his wolf, his Alpha instincts already wanting to protect the children he doesn't have.

I knew Xavier wanted children, he longed for a child, someone he can love and care for, someone he can teach and pass on the Alpha title to, but I don't know if I want that. I love children, I could spend hours everyday with them but I don't think I can bring a child into this world and raise them, be their guide and I definitely can't handle the thought of a real life human being completely dependent on me. I don't feel as though there is an empty void in my life that I need to fill to be happy. I am happy and content with my life with Xavier.

I look up at Xavier through my wet eyelashes to see him staring down at me, frustration and sadness evident in his eyes.

"I just want you to be happy, I want us to be happy," he whispers lowly, hanging his head.

I gently grab his face with my hands and tilt his head up, "Xavier I am happy, I am so happy here with you."

"Bad things keep happening to you and I don't know how to stop it and it's driving me insane, I just want to fly away with you and keep you far away from everything."

I lean in and kiss him softly, running my hands through his tangled hair.

"As tempting as that is, we can't just run away and leave our pack to deal with our problems," I murmur against his lips.

He kisses me delicately, like I am glass that is about to shatter.

We stay there, on the mossy forest floor, just gently holding each other, a looming despondency in the air.

All of a sudden a shower of light rain pours down on us. I lift my head up to stare at the sombre sky, a dark grey cloud emerging above us.

The rain starts to pour down heavier, making my clothes turn a shade darker and cling to my skin that is already covered in goosebumps.

I look down at Xavier to see him gazing at me in awe.

My cheeks flush and I bring my hands up to cover my face but they're immediately pulled away by Xavier as he leans in to kiss me on the nose.

"I'll never get over how beautiful you are," he ogles at me.

"My hair is now dripping wet, my clothes are wringing and I have mascara smudged underneath my eyes," I protest, booping him on the nose.

"And you're still the most beautiful woman in the world."

The rain starts to downpour on us, increasing by the second, making it hard for me to even hear what Xavier is saying as the noise of the rain hitting against the rough ground fills my ears.

I shiver, starting to feel the cold despise the warmth radiating from Xavier, making him stand up and throw me over his back and jog towards the pack house.

I giggle and weakly pound on his back as I sway around as he jogs through the woods.

We approach the large glass doors of the house and Xavier strides towards the stairs, making me lift my head up to see a lot of pack members staring at us, trying not to laugh at me bouncing up and down with every step Xavier takes up the stairs.

Expecting to be flung onto the soft mattress when I hear the sound of our door being opened, I squeeze my eyes shut, but to my surprise I'm placed down gently on the edge of the bathtub.

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