Chapter 29

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Elizabeth's POV
I wipe my hands across my jeans, spreading flour all over them as Xavier pours our pasta into 2 bowls. I grab 2 forks and place them in as Xavier moves to sit on the chairs in the centre of the room.

I grab his arm and abruptly pull him back, "don't!"

He turns to look at my in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched, "why not?"

I nod towards his jeans and giggle, "you have flour on your ass."

He twists around trying to see and then he looks up at me, "maybe you should have been more careful."

I smirk and carry the 2 bowls with me and sit on the wooden floor. I pat the space across from me, motioning for Xavier to sit with me.

He flops down on the floor, nearly spilling the pasta and we begin to eat and ask each other questions about one another.

"There's no way your mom was that calm about it!" I chortle about the fact Xavier's mom refused to let him bring home a wild wolf when he was 15.

He nodded, holding his stomach as he laughs, "you think they'd be fine with it considering we are wolves."

"So, did you have any boyfriends growing up?" Xavier asks.

I gulp and nod, knowing he only asked that because he was hoping the answer would be no.

He runs his hands through his hair roughly, tugging at it, "who?"

I sway side to side a little, feeling awkward. "You won't know who it is because they are from my old back, but it was my best friend Jeremy, it was never anything serious because honestly even when dating we couldn't stop acting like we were just best friends."

Xavier picks up the 2 empty bowls of pasta and places them in the sink, and just when I think he is going to storm out, he crawls across the floor and hovers above me, his eyes darker than normal, he leans in to brush his nose over mine and whispers, "I'm glad it was nothing serious, but I'm upset you didn't wait... like me."

I grab Xavier's face and run my thumbs across his cheekbones, "you waited? You never got into a relationship for me?" I ask shocked, Alpha's are usually the first people in packs to get into a relationship.

He nods and leans in to kiss me so gently that I only feel the little sparks dancing then fading as quick as they came.

"I'm sorry, I always thought my mate would be horrible...and act like my mom," I breathe, feeling Xavier's hair brushing across my forehead.

He nods in understanding and sits up, pulling me upwards onto his lap. He slides his hands under my thighs and I wrap my hands around the back of his neck as he yanks me up and runs to our bedroom.

He flops back on to the bed, me falling on top of him, giggling non-stop as he continues making ridiculous faces at me.

Then somehow Xerxes takes over as the blackness pools into Xavier's eyes, taking over every ounce of colour in them.

"Hello Elizabeth," Xerxes says to me in a husky voice.

I get off the bed and stand in front of him, unsure of what to say, I haven't even spoken to him since Eartha died.

Xerxes begins to look upset and worried so without thinking I just blurt the first thing on my mind, "I'm so sorry."

I walk back to the bed and sit on the edge, scratching my jeans nervously.

"Why are you sorry?" Xerxes asks.

"Xavier told me you felt everything, the pain of Eartha...leaving."

He walks over to me and kneels on the floor on front of me and rests his head in my lap.

"This isn't your fault."

I look down at him and run my hands through his hair, not saying anything.

"I have you, I don't know what I would do without you," he whispers.

"I love you," I choke.

"I love you more than anything in the world, I will help you heal your mind, I promise."

I nod, even though he can't see me, a lone tear slowly falling down my face as I grip his shoulders for comfort as he traces patterns on my thighs, sending sparks of electricity across them.

Xerxes gently pushes me back on the bed and hovers above me, letting me stare into his eyes, the blackness has sparks of light in them making them look as if they are stars in a night sky.

I lean up to kiss him, he immediately kisses back and I lean back into the bed again, wrapping my arms around Xerxes' neck, pulling him down closer to me.
He flips us around so I'm on top of him, straddling his waist, I run my hands across his chest, making him growl lowly and stare at me approvingly. His wolf instincts taking over whatever Xavier must be telling him in his mind.

He starts kissing me more roughly which I respond to by moving my hips on top of his, making him grab my hair lightly and run his hands through it, the mid length making it easier to do so.

"Are you a virgin?" He breaths heavily in between kisses.

"Yes," I gasp as he moves his hips upwards.

He growls again and nods, kissing me again, but stops and groans quietly in annoyance.

I sit back, still on his waist and ask him what's wrong.

"Xavier is giving me hell right now, he wants to take over, but don't worry we will definitely be continuing this," he smirks before letting the blackness in his eyes dissolve, letting the familiar warm brown fill in its place.

Xavier looks shocked at what just happened but I don't say anything, I just lean in to kiss him, wanting to continue what I was doing with Xerxes, who is technically him anyway.

"You're sure you want to do this?" Xavier asks seriously.

I stop kissing him and nod. "I love you and I'm sure I want to do this."

He grins, "I love you too."

He lifts my shirt over my head and then his own, I sit up properly and pull down my jeans then his and get up to lock the door.

I straddle his waist and grab the covers and pull them over us.

(A/N I'll maybe edit in a sex scene soon, but not now since I honestly have no idea how to make it not awkward lmao sorry guys!)

My eyes flutter open and I turn to look out the window only to see the dark night sky, I stare at the clock to see that we've been asleep for hours.

My mind feels heavier somehow, almost as though it's weighing me down, creating a headache but I then realise Xavier and I have fully bonded and now my connection with the pack is stronger, it's their minds I can feel inside my own.

This is why Alpha's and Luna's are the strongest wolves, pack members minds are connected with just a few wolves, their mate, their family and their leaders, but Alpha's and Luna's minds are connected with everyone's.

I turn to face Xavier and smile at his face, the bags under his eyes are a visible reminder of all the hard work he is doing but the smile on his face tells me he is handling it well.

Suddenly a light feeling of sickness takes over me but I ignore it and continue doting on Xavier but all of a sudden the feeling comes back 10 times heavier than before and I rush myself to the bathroom, vomiting up everything I've ate all day.

I hear Xavier getting up and rushing into the bathroom and holding my hair back as I continue throwing up.

Sweat is dripping down my forehead by the time I'm finished throwing up and I lean back into Xavier tiredly.

There's no possible way I'm pregnant, I know Alpha pregnancies are the quickest in the werewolf community but this is just impossible.

I lazily brush my teeth and let Xavier drag me back to bed where he gently runs his hands across my skin, making me drift off, worrying about what may or may not be inside of me.

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