Chapter 22

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Xavier's POV
I've been running desperately for hours, my paws pounding on the hard ground along with my pack members. She has to be near, I can feel her.

'Alpha! Over here!' A male voice links me.

I run over to him and my pack follows and I immediately sense a shift in the air, the lingering feel of witchcraft.

I shift and I am quickly handed loose jeans and a top and I immediately start walking around looking for anything that can help.

The further ahead I run the more I can smell the faint scent of blood in the air and I see Elizabeth's small figure in the distance lying on the cold ground with a light fog looming around her.

"Elizabeth!" I scream, running towards the motionless figure.

I slid across the ground and turn Elizabeth's face towards mine and run my hands across her face. She is bleeding from her nose and ears and her wrists are badly bruised and burned.

'Get the pack doctor ready! We are coming back immediately,' I shout through the mindlink worried for my mate's safety.

"You're going to be okay baby, you'll make it," I whisper, trying to make myself believe my own words.

The only thing telling me that she is still alive is the rising of her chest as she breathes in and out shallowly.

I pick her up and run towards my pack as fast as I can, not caring about the cuts on my feet as I run without any shoes.

'Some of you find the bastards responsible and the rest of you come with me,' I order my warriors through the link.

I arrive back at the pack in record time and sprint to the hospital where a team of nurses are already waiting for Elizabeth.

I carry her to the closest available room and place her gently on the bed and urge the nurses to start helping her.

"Her wolf, Eartha is gone," I say while my hands tremble and my eyes begin to water.

The nurses nod sadly and lower their heads as they clean off the blood from Beth's face and clothes, bandaging up her wrists.

The doctor rushes in and she runs up to Elizabeth and starts examining her.

I pace around the room, my chest feeling heavier by the minute. She has to make it, she can't die like this.

Half an hour passes before the doctor even says a word to me.

"I believe she will make it, but she cannot leave this hospital and neither can you Alpha, her wolf is gone so she needs your wolf's strength through the bond to help her heal."

I nod frantically and pull my chair closer to her bed and hold her hand and lower my head into her lap, finally letting my tears fall freely.

Elizabeth's POV
I walk through the pack land, it's cold and empty, a heavy fog takes over the land.

Where is everyone?

I take a step forward to enter the pack house but my foot hits something, or rather someone.

I scream as I look down and see Elsie's bloody body lying on the ground.

I hit the ground and frantically search for a pulse but there isn't one.

I scream out for help even though it will do no good.

Where is everyone? What happened?

I run up to Justin's room and swing open the door, screaming his name.

He lay on the floor, sprawled in an awkward position, with a smashed lamp beside his head.

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