Chapter 28

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"Hey Justin, what are you doing in here?" I walk further into the room and sit next to him.

"I missed you, I haven't seen you in a long time Luna," Justin replies, smiling widely at me.

I instantly feel guilty, he has no idea about anything that has happened, he has no idea that I'm his sister or that his dad is dead or that my wolf is dead. How do I tell a 6 year old all of that?

I clear my throat, "Justin I have some important things to tell you."

He nods nervously and climbs up on to the bed next to me where I have made my way to.

I fiddle with my hands as I begin to speak, "your dad wasn't a very nice man." Justin immediately nods in agreement, "and he did something very bad and it doesn't excuse what happened but your dad was killed," I continue, leaving out the part that it was me who did the killing.

Justin's head falls down as he wipes his eyes and sniffles.

I bring him closer to me and kiss the top of his head, "I'm sorry Justin."

He looks up at me and waits for me to continue talking.

"Your dad met my mom and then my mom had a baby... and you were that baby." I pause waiting for his reaction.

His eyes light up in realisation as he sits up straight and points at me, then himself, then back at me again.

"You're my sister?" He asks, like he doesn't believe that it's possible.

I nod slowly, scared of how he will handle this. Part of me thinks he will hug me and tell me how happy he is and the other part of me thinks he will run away and cry and tell me he doesn't want a sister but neither of those things happen, he just sits there, staring at me in silence.

I go to put a hand on his shoulder and tell him it's alright but he backs away from me.

"Justin, I know that-"

"Do you not want a brother?" He asks in a small voice.

I shut my mouth and turn my gaze away from him, I never thought about having a brother, my parents never talked about having another child, but my parents didn't have another child, my mom cheated on my dad and now I have a half brother.

"It's complicated, but I want to take care of you Justin, we are family now, even if your dad isn't my dad. My mom did something bad but it isn't your fault, okay?" I assure him.

He nods frantically, "okay, I want to take care of you too, I know your wolf is gone."

I stare down at my brother in bewilderment, "how do you know that?"

"My wolf told me, he says you are very sad all the time because your wolf is gone now."

I hum, not knowing how to answer. After a few seconds of pondering I decide to settle on the truth, but sugarcoated.

"Yes, I am sad sometimes because my wolf is gone, but I'm happy sometimes too, and soon I will be happy almost all the time."

"Why not all the time?"

"No one can be happy all the time, it's important that we feel every emotion some of the time to make feeling happy even more special."

He smiles up at me with a confused look on his face but let's it go.

"Would you like to see the house I built with my new building blocks Alpha Xavier gave me?"

Xavier's POV:
I finish putting the last book back on the shelf and I move to sit on the nearest chair.

I rest my face in my hands as I sigh loudly, it's extremely rare for pack members to want a new leader but the sole reason is that Elizabeth is no longer a werewolf, which is a rare circumstance.

She is capable, but her mind is in a lonely place so I can't force her to come forward and lead to prove my guards wrong.

'She is sad too often,' Xerxes' voice echoes in my head.

'I know, but how can she be happy? Part of her is gone,' I reply solemnly.

'You are underestimating the mate bond, I can replace some of the pain she feels with my presence, but instead you go and throw books at her and mess up her office instead of comforting her and holding her,' Xerxes growls lowly and threateningly at me.

I don't reply as I lean back in the chair guiltily, thinking of my mate when an idea comes to mind to surprise Elizabeth, it's a small surprise but it should make her feel happier.

I mindlink one of the best artists in the pack and ask him to meet me in my office.

Elizabeth's POV:
I shut Justin's door as I leave his room, taking one last glance at him as he happily starts building another house with his building blocks.

I decide to walk around the part of the pack house where the pack members usually are to say good afternoon, to show them I'm not going to hide away.

I reach the last step of the stairs to find that the entire room is empty, making me blink to make sure I wasn't seeing things, there is always at least a few pack members down here all the time.

My mind starts to ponder over the possibilities but the one that I seem to keep going over is what if everyone is avoiding me? Are they that disappointed in me as a leader that they don't even want to interact with me?

No. Maybe Xavier just told everyone to keep their distance for now? He has done that before.

My hopes are shattered when I hear my mate's voice from behind me say, "where is everybody?"

I turn around, a small frown on my face, "Xavier they all hate me."

"What? Of course they don't! Why would you think that?"

"You know that it's true, they think I can't lead anymore."

"Listen to me, I promise you that you can lead, you're going to prove them all wrong and they are all going to eat their words, but it isn't going to happen right away, give yourself some time." He rests his hands on my shoulders and smiles reassuringly at me.

I take a deep breath and nod, feeling more confident, well feeling more confident that I will eventually become a more confident leader.

"I see that you got Justin some building blocks," I smile.

Xavier shrugs, "it was nothing, I felt bad for him, he has been hiding away in his room for days now, only letting Lucas bring him blood and food."

I bite my lip worriedly, he seemed okay a few minutes ago.

Xavier leads me over to the small kitchen that is hardly ever used.

"Would you like to make some pasta?" He says in a very bad Italian accent.

I giggle and nod my head as he tries to act romantic and kiss my hand.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get cooking!" He continues in his poor Italian accent.

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