Chapter 16

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"Excuse me?" I splutter out in shock.

So many thoughts were swarming around inside my head. How did he know my name? How does he know my mother? What does he know?

"How the fuck do you know my mate's name?" Xavier growls.

"Well I knew as soon as I saw her that she was Iris' daughter, I mean they're practically identical, obviously besides the age, your mate is much younger making her much hot-" He's cut off short as Xavier kicks him roughly in the stomach making him groan and lean to the side.

"Start talking or I swear to god I'll slash your throat before you can even blink." Xavier threatens.

The man tries to look unfazed but we can all see the fear in his eyes.

'What if our mother is Justin's mother?' My wolf's distant voice echoes in my brain.

'It can't be, he has probably been with tons of women, he doesn't seem like the type to settle down...' I trail off.

'We will never find out unless we ask,' Eartha says quietly.

I stare at the man, scared to know the answer, was this the man my mom had put my dad through all that pain for? A vampire? Someone who didn't even care about her?

"Is- is um my mother-"

"You wanna know if Justin is your brother?" The man chuckles darkly.

I gulp and nod my head, feeling Xavier's eyes on me.

"Well, how about we do a little trade? Information in exchange for well you lot leaving me the fuck alone," he says.

I turn around to look at Xavier with pleading eyes, I have to know. He nods slowly and I turn back around.

"Okay, deal but if you lie I swear to god you won't live to see tomorrow." I threaten.

The man nods, unamused, then nods his head at Xavier.

"Get your guard dog and his guard dogs out of here first," he replies.

"Not a chance." Xavier says immediately.

"Xavier please," I plead with him.

He walks over to me with uncertainty heavy in his eyes,
"It's not a good idea, he's a vampire he will hurt you," he whispers in my ear, holding me close.

I suddenly get an idea, I turn to Xavier and whisper,
"Wait outside for me, I'll scream if anything happens, once he has given me the information I'll walk out and then you storm the house."

Xavier ponders over it for a minute before nodding his head reluctantly. He walks back over to the man, whose name we still don't know and kicks him harshly and grabs his throat.

"If you lay a hand on her your death wont be quick," Xavier threatens.

Xavier motions for his guards to follow him outside before looking at me and mouthing 'be careful' and shutting the door.

It's been 10 minutes and neither of us have spoken for a while, apparently he needed 3 bags of blood poured into a specific glass before he could speak because 'his throat hurt' he's a vampire, he'll get over it.

"Start talking." I say harshly, wanting to get out of this poor excuse of a fathers presence.

"Fine, if you really want to know..." he trails off.

"Speak now!" I say standing up to kick the glass out of his hand, making it and the rest of the blood left in it scatter across the messy floor.

"You and your mother are so alike, so aggressive and short tempered," he smirks.

"Is Justin my brother?" I ask, unaffected by his attempts to agitate me.

"Your mum was a good fuck, didn't expect her to get pregnant though," he says, confirming my suspicions.

I gasp, and lean against the wall, he is my brother, this man is the man my mother hurt my father for.

My eyes start to sting but I squeeze them shut, not wanting to give the monster in front of me the satisfaction of seeing me cry. I stand up and head for the door, leaving him sitting on the dirty floor, not even sparing a glance.

"Oh, Elizabeth? How is your mother by the way? I hear she's a little...under the weather, actually I heard your whole pack isn't doing so great these days." He announces with fake sympathy.

I turn around quickly, a look of shock on my face.

"How did you know? What have you done?" I cry.

"Your mother deserved it, the pack was just...well collateral damage." He sneers.

"It was you! You killed them! You took my whole life away from me!" I scream, completely unaware of the fact everyone outside can hear me.

"Oh don't be melodramatic, I'm the reason you met your mate," He retorts.

"How did you do it?" I whisper.

"It wasn't hard to convince a group of rogues to destroy a pack, they're always out for blood." He replies sinisterly.

I scream and grab a shard of the broken glass and plunge it into his neck, far enough I can see it poke through the other end of his body. I yank it out roughly and slash it across the rest of his neck, the adrenaline pumping through my body, and I watch his eyes become weaker and weaker, I knew I couldn't kill him like this so I break off a small section of the closet and aim it at his heart and pull back ready to plunge it deep into his chest-

"Elizabeth stop!" Xavier shouts frantically, his voice sounds distant and echoed, the only thing on my mind was the burning images of my pack, blood spilled everywhere, buildings burning to the ground.

I plunge the make-shift spear deep into his chest, right through the heart, making him wail and thrash before he slumps to the ground, his skin losing the little colour it had completely.

Third person POV:
The only sound in the room was everyone's heavy breathing as they stare at the scene in front of them. Elizabeth had killed a man for the first time.

Her bloodied hands were shaking violently as it began to register in her mind what she had just done.

Xavier stares at her in shock, as he tries to process the scene in front of him. A shriek leaves Elizabeth's lips as she stares at the man.

"No, no, no, no, no. You aren't dead, I didn't kill anyone, wake up, wake up!" She wails, shoving against his chest violently, trying to get him to wake up, move or do anything to indicate that he is alive.

Xavier immediately walks towards her and scoops her fragile state in her arms and runs his hands over her cheeks gently, wiping away her tears.

"He wasn't a good man, I don't know what else he did but you had good reason, he would have hurt many more people," Xavier comforts her.

Elizabeth finally looks at him, her eyes bloodshot and defeated.

"He killed them all." She whispers.

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