Chapter 4

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My head is pounding and my chest is aching, I get a fright when I see Xavier next to me but then I recall what happened earlier.

My cheeks burn with embarrassment at the fact that he saw me in a state like that.

I really needed to go for a run but I wasn't sure if the wolvesbane was out my system, I take a glance at my arms to see they've all healed which means it has. Hopefully Xavier doesn't become completely furious.

I put on my dirty shoes and quietly make my way out the door, Xavier is still sleeping but he keeps stirring in his sleep, he grabs a pillow and clutches onto it, thinking it was me, but then I step on the floorboard in the hall and it creaks loudly which makes Xavier shoot up ready to attack. Well shit. He spots me half out the door and shoots up, making me sprint for my life, once again. I run at high-speed right out the door, I begin shifting as I run, which is a really painful experience. I hear Xavier on my tail, he's an Alpha which means he is a lot faster, but he isn't shifting, which gives me a big advantage, once I've fully shifted I take off into the woods on high alert, I hear a deafening roar, which only means one thing. Xerxes is out.

I am zooming past trees, I got a good head start but that does not make me slow down, I only wanted to go on a run and calm down, I didn't want a full on chase but I didn't want to stop now to see what Xavier will do when he catches me.

Quite far ahead I see a small cave, I know I am still on pack territory and Eartha is much smaller than Xerxes, we could fit in there, they can't.

Although Eartha craves his presence, we both are grieving and the only thing we can do is run. We become closer to the cave but Xerxes is almost touching our tail, I almost run right into the stone when I skid low, right inside the cave.

It's claustrophobic but I didn't want to be put back into the house, maybe even the cells.

Xerxes crouches down trying to spot Eartha and when he does he lets out a deadly roar as if to say, 'get out right now,' but we stay put, he growls and tries to push himself nearer to us, but we just push ourselves back.

Eventually I hear his paws softly padding away. Exhausted after that chase, my eyes slowly close over, but only after a few minutes I'm rudely awoken by a pair of arms tugging around my neck and pulling me out of my small hiding spot forcefully.

I look up only to see a livid Xavier staring down at me and I mewl, showing my neck as a sign of submission like my Alpha taught me to if I was ever confronted by another Alpha.

His eyes become faintly softer but he drags me all the way back to his pack house with his hands still near my neck. I try to dig my paws into the ground but it only makes Xavier angrier and tug harder.

Once we reach the front door of the pack house he orders me to shift, I just stare at him in bewilderment, I can't shift. I have no clothes.

He says it again but this time with his Alpha voice making me tilt my head down. I scamper behind a tree, debating whether or not to run for it, he'd definitely catch me, maybe if I'm quiet enough... He seems to know what I'm thinking and stomps over to me, staring at me hard.

"Shift." He states forcefully.

I unwillingly shift, hiding my body, he stares at me a few seconds too long before throwing me his hoodie, it reaches my knees, thankfully.

He throws me over his shoulder, careful not to drop me on the ground.

I am thrown on top of the comfortable bed and he climbs on top of me, I notice his eyes change to black and Xerxes comes out.

"Why would you dare try and leave?" He seethes.

"I-I wasn't. I just needed to go on a run to try and calm down, we always go out to run," I whisper, casting my eyes elsewhere as a lone tear escapes.

I am absolutely petrified, Xerxes is just staring at me when he sighs loudly seeing the vague red marks on my neck.

He leans down and places gentle kisses along my neck but I don't want him near me. I want to be alone. Eartha pushes her emotions through to me making me, just for a moment, feel comforted by him.

I push him off and scamper off into the bathroom locking the door and pushing some heavy boxes of bathroom products in them in front of the door, I don't know why he has them in boxes but I don't care right now.

"Let me in Elizabeth," Xerxes growls deeply, banging on the door.

I ignore him and sit down on the edge of the bathroom, trying to block out Eartha's incessant whining to open the door.

"If you don't let me in I am breaking this door down Elizabeth!" He shouts.

Was everyone just ignoring this? I peek at the small clock that is neatly hung above the sink, it was 5:30 in the morning.

Xerxes kept banging and banging on the door and I place my hands tightly over my ears, trying to block him out.

Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes once again making me feel pathetic.  

Something catches my eye. A window. I force myself to look away, I can't just jump out the window and never come back, the ache of being away from my mate will constantly stay with me, but living with a possessive Alpha who will most likely never let me even leave the house is not the kind of life I want to live.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, not fully expecting him to hear me.

But he does hear me and begins to panic.

"What are you talking about? Let me in!"

I try to lift up the window but it's locked so without thinking, I punch the glass and it shatters into many shards, cutting my skin and just as I pull myself up Xavier or, Xerxes rather, knocks the door down.

He gently pulls me down from the window ledge and grabs bandages from the small cupboard underneath the sink and cleans the blood away, tending to my injuries once again, except this time they heal quickly.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, I am, I know we just met and we don't know each other at all. I just panicked when I saw you leaving," he murmurs, kissing my head and running his hands through my hair, making me sigh softly and lean my head against his chest.

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