Part 3: Meeting the brother

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A/N it's carrying on from the last chapter in the car where Toni asked Cheryl if she was gay and btw it's Cheryl's point of view still.

"Well?" I heard Toni say, I was in shock by what she asked me I looked at her and a single tear rolled from my eye, Toni could see I was upset and I whimpered "I'm bisexual like you I just haven't told anybody, the only person who knows is Jason he is so supportive but if my Mother ever found out she would banish me to a place where I wouldn't be able to see any one until and to qoute my mother 'my deviant behaviour was gone' so that's why I have only told JJ" " Oh Cheryl I am sorry to make you go through that I know how hard it is for you to open up about your life but you have got to know your mothers wrong you're not deviant, you're sensational." My eyes widened as I felt Toni's soft hand placed on top of mine and I wish we had more time on the journey to school because I had so many questions I wanted to ask.

The end of school


I stood outside the school waiting for Cheryl as I didn't have my motorcycle since she had drove me to school. 5 minutes later she rocked up in her Rivervixens outfit and apologised for being late, she had to sort some of the cheerleaders out as they couldn't perform the routine correctly. "So you ready to go?" I asked "Actually do you mind if we go to pops and have a chat I have a few questions I want answering?" "Of course we can but you are buying princess" Cheryl looked at me as her cheeks went from pale to the shade of her red lipstick she then said " well you move quick don't you Topaz?" She grinned.

As we arrived at pops our usual booth wasn't free so we sat at the bar instead, as we both descended to our chairs I could see Cheryl was a bit uneasy towards me so I tried to comfort her and after a while she started to loosen up and let me break through the huge brick wall she had built "look Cheryl it's a hard topic to talk about don't talk if you're not ready I will be hear waiting until you feel confident enough" "Thank you T, I have a few questions that I hope you could answer" " Of course fire away" I said enthusiastically " okay did you er did you always know you were bisexual?" And I just nodded my head and whispered "it's a gut feeling if you know you know and there's nothing you can do to stop that". "Well in that case how did you tell your family?" What Cheryl didn't know was that this was a touchy subject "Well er I told them when I was 14 I just knew that if I didn't  tell them then I would never of told them" " And how did they take it if you don't mind me asking?" "Well" I said clearing my throat with a tear in my eye " oh I'm sorry T I didn't know" "No it's okay they didn't take it too well my mother didn't approve she just sat there quietly while my father shouted at me saying I was confused and he wouldn't walk the streets knowing that everybody knew he had a gay daughter but on the plus side my brother approved and so did my grandad and I haven't seen either of my parents since that day but I think it was for the best and if they couldn't accept they had a gay daughter then they weren't worthy of my love" I finished with tears rolling down my face as Cheryl pulled me into a hug, I had never seen this side of Cheryl before the loving and caring side it surprised me beyond belief she then whispered in my ear " do you want me to drive you home T?" And I just nodded. As we walked out of pops my phone rang " Hello, yeah okay that's fine see you next week love you too grandad" "Aww I'm glad he supports you" Cheryl mentioned. " Yeah he's the best, he's got to go on a business trip for the next week so I'm stuck looking after my brother until he gets back" I groaned. "Come let's get you home"

As we pulled up to the trailer park I got out the car and I looked back at Cheryl "Do you want come in for a drink Bombshell?" I stuttered and she politely agreed. I stuck the key into the lock and I could already hear my brother on the PlayStation and I began to laugh.

"Hey Timothy I'm home" I said as he looked up and looked back down again but for some reason he looked up and stared at the red haired princess stood to my right. "So Toni this is the girl you've been banging on about and I can see why, she is banging" " Oi watch it you" Cheryl said in a jokey voice. "So Toni's girlfriend do you have a name?" " oh Tim she isn't my girlfriend not yet anyways" I said winking at Cheryl as she blushed and looked to the floor. "Er Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom" "Blossom? Really Toni?" He looked at me "yes really now go to your bedroom and do your homework and before you say anything I checked with grandad you haven't done it yet and I will be checking so don't bother trying to pull a stunt" I said while smirking at Cheryl.


"So you got anything to drink topaz?" I asked nicely " I sure do how about a bottle of whisky?" " Toni I have to drive home" " You can stay here, I'll sleep on the sofa and you can have my bed" "Only if you are sure T" "Of course I am or I wouldn't of invited you to stay"
We stayed up all night talking and I asked Toni if she had her eye on anyone and she muttered "well maybe" and then she winked at me. What does that mean? Does Toni fancy me? What I am going to do? Should I confront her about it or just leave to run on it's own? I'm so out of my depth here. I need help!!!

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