Part 14: "We need your help"

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The plane just landed, the flight was so long. Especially because Toni fell asleep for the majority of the ride so I was left sitting there twiddling my thumbs for most of it. I took the time to reflect on my life and I wondered what my life would be like if I hadn't met Toni. I know I would be sitting at home right now with my abusive mother while being very miserable. Toni on the other hand would probably still be in Riverdale with someone other than me, she would be very happy too. I woke Toni up as the plane was landing, she looked so cute when she sleeps. We walked off the plane. It was very hot and we took each others hand and walked through customs and walked outside to meet with a cab to take us to our hotel. We jumped in the car and we told the driver to take us to he hotel, Toni and I spoke the entire time but we had weird looks from the driver but Toni noticed "Take a picture it lasts longer" she said I just smiled and then she whispered in my ear and I just did as I was told so we decided to have a full make out session but it didn't last very long since the police were surrounding the car. "Excuse me can you please tell us what is going on?" I asked "We had a call from a taxi driver claiming there was two girls kissing in the back of his car" the officer replied. "Yeah and whats the problem?" Toni asked. "Are you aware its illegal to show affection towards your partner until you are married and the more important one is that being homosexual is also illegal, so we are arresting you two girls. You are going to have to come down to the station" We didn't want to make it any worse for ourselves so we both stayed quiet. We were both put in the back of the car "Hey Cheryl don't worry I will try and get us out off this mess. Then I will call Sheriff Keller to see if there are any other options instead of staying here." I loved her so much, so much I would be willing to go to prison as long as she would be free. I just looked at her with adoration in my eyes. We made it to the station which is where I last saw Toni before we were both dragged off into different directions. I was questioned but I wasn't in the mood to talk I just wanted to see Toni but they wouldn't let me. I was left alone after a while. I was told that they also interviewed Toni who didn't say anything she just wanted to see me, so they allowed us 2 minutes together where we just sat and hugged nothing had to be said to show the loved we shared for each other. the sheriff came into the room and said "Well we have decided to charge both of you and you will be held here until the court case in two weeks, as of now one of you can make a call, I told Toni to make a call to Sheriff Keller so she did.


I didn't want to leave Cheryl alone but this might be the only chance to get us out. I left the room and walked to the phone and dialled Kevins number since I didn't know his dads personal one. "Hello?" I heard on the line "Kevin, Hi I was wondering if if could speak to your dad real quick" I told the confused boy. "Toni is everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah Kev but I really need to speak to your dad" I told him again. "Yeah of course I'll pass him on" "Thanks Kev." "Hello?" I heard from the other end of the phone. "Hi Sheriff Keller its Toni Topaz we got in a bit of trouble and need your help" I said. "Well what kind of trouble?" he asked "Well Cheryl and I had no idea but being gay is illegal here and we kissed in public and now we are at the police station and they are keeping us here until our trial in two weeks, can you help us in anyway?" I asked. "Oh my god, ok Toni I want you to tell Cheryl that it will be okay and I'm going to get you out. Im coming out to Dubai, I will catch the next flight. Just stay calm and don't rise to anything or you could be staying there for a while. okay I will see you soon." he said "Okay thank Sheriff Keller I will be sure to tell Cheryl" I hung up the phone and then I asked if I could speak to Cheryl quickly, they let me have two minutes. "Hey so I spoke to Keller and he told us to hang tight and don't rise to anything and he will catch the next flight out so he can help us" I told the red haired beauty "Toni what if he can't get us out? We will be stuck here for god knows how long" I heard her say "Hey Cheryl, look at me. We are going to be fine and we are getting out of here, going back to Riverdale and never coming back to Dubai ever" I said. I walked up to her and gave her a hug and a kiss before the police officer dragged us both out and in to our own cells. I couldn't believe this was happening. What the hell decade is this. I miss Cheryl and literally just saw her. This morning I didn't think i would be sitting in a police cell because I kissed my girlfriend. There is seriously something wrong with the world we live in.

A/N: I want to thank you for reading. It means a lot, I have a couple chapters lined up. But this chapter I did my research for. I wanted to make sure I had the facts and it is true that being gay is banned in Dubai so I wanted to portray that in my story. Please stay and continue to read. I'm sorry I haven't been updating as regularly. I infact picked up my GCSE results not long ago, I did okay but I do have to retake English Language but I'm hoping to retake in November and the other two subjects I failed I wasn't fussed about. Please keep reading and also vote and comment to ensure faster updates.

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