Part 10: "The truth that's held within"

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I couldn't believe what Toni had organised, she bought flowers and everything, I knew for sure that I loved her, I didn't know how to tell her though.

It was 9:30 and there was a knock on the door so I got up careful to not to wake Toni up, I answered the door and it was the police and from this moment I knew this was a good day going bad. "Do you know a Samantha Topaz?" The tall man said. "She is my girlfriends mom is there a problem officers?" I ask politely. "We have had an allegation made against her on the grounds of assault is she in?" They ask "yes come in I'll go get her and her daughter". I couldn't believe it, I had to go and get Toni. "Toni, Toni wake up there are police here it's about your mom" as soon as she heard that she was up. "Sam you need to wake up, there are people here to see you" I say to her trying not to scare her.

All three of us walk into living area of the trailer "So you must be Antionette Topaz" one of the officers said while extending a hand to her. They looked at Sam "So Samantha do you know why we are here?" They asked she just shook her head. "Well somebody has come into the station and made a serious allegation against you, on the grounds of assault." They said. "May I ask who made these allegations?" I asked to try and help. "A Mrs Penelope Blossom" the younger policeman said. Both Toni and Sam looked at me. "Do you know her?" They asked "She is my evil mother, but she doesn't know Sam so I don't understand why she has said that, I mean unless she was trying to turn us against each other, but I really couldn't see why she would. It wouldn't benefit her in anyway" I say "Do you mind coming down to the station to answer a few questions, all three of you if you don't mind?" We all said we would be happy to.


I was the first to be questioned but I didn't understand why I needed to be there. I mean my mom has been arrested for the assault of Penelope Blossom but she doesn't know her so that can't be possible and what does it have to do with me at all. "So Miss Topaz can you explain for the recording how do you know Penelope Blossom?" Sheriff Keller asked. "Erm yeah she is my Girlfriends mom, I'm dating Cheryl Blossom." I said calmly. "Can you think of any reason why your mom would attack Penelope?" He asked. "She doesn't know her at all, I mean Penelope hated my relationship with Cheryl that was a given but my mom didn't know that. She only turned up roughly 2 months ago, I'm just getting to know her again and to be honest my mom isn't one of them people to attack someone over something so petty" I mumbled. "Can you think of any reason why Penelope would lie about this?" The Sheriff asked. I thought about it for a moment then it came to me. "Oh my god of course, she didn't like my relationship with Cheryl so she tried to destroy it by driving a wedge between us. She didn't want me and Cheryl to be together. She tried everything under the sun to break me and Cheryl apart but it never worked and now she is punishing my mom for it, I'm sure of it" I rambled. "Okay thanks for cooperating, I need to interview Cheryl and your mom but you are free to go but we may need you again at some point to clarify a few things." They said but I was just happy to leave.


I was sitting in this dark room awaiting for someone to come in to free from my day dreams it took a while but it finally happened.
"Sorry to keep you waiting Miss Blossom but I just spoke to your girlfriend about it and if it's okay I would like to ask you some questions too" "Yeah that's fine" I replied. "So for the recording can you state how you know both Penelope Blossom and Samantha Topaz?" He asked.  "Yeah sure Penelope is my mother and Samantha is my Girlfriends mom" I exclaimed. "Can you tell me how your mother acts around you?" "Yeah erm well she was never a nice human being, she hated me from when I was born. I mean she hit me and kicked me and I was never strong enough to stop her." I whimpered. "How did your mother react to your relationship with Antionette Topaz?" "Oh she reacted how I expected her to, she hated it, she hated that I was hanging around with a serpent so she did the only thing she thought she could do and that was ship me off to a conversion camp." I said. "What happened after that?" He asked. "I wasn't there long before Toni rescued me and she took me back to her trailer, I wasn't feeling very well for next couple of days but then I decided to confront my mother. I told her that she couldn't stop me from being with Toni and that I wanted to be emancipated." I finished "Okay so how does Samantha act around you?" I was asked "I mean I've only known her for 2 months, but she is fine with me. More of a mother than Penelope Blossom ever was. She was fine with mine and Tonis relationship. I think my mother has lied about this whole thing. Sam doesn't know her so why would she attack her. Maybe she wanted to break me and Toni up, I don't know but maybe you should ask her" I finished. "Thanks Miss Blossom for taking the time to speak to us, you may need questioning again so be prepared. As of right now you are free to go" I didn't know what to say I just wanted to see Toni so I rushed out the room as quickly as I could.


It had been about 2 hours since I was bought here, I couldn't help thinking about the situation we were in. I didn't attack Penelope Blossom and I hope Toni believes me because otherwise all this would have been for nothing. Sheriff Keller entered the room "So for the recording can you state how you know Antionette Topaz, Cheryl Blossom and Penelope Blossom?" They asked. "Well Antionette is my daughter, Cheryl is my daughters girlfriend and from what I've gathered Penelope is the mother of Cheryl but I have never ever met her and I don't want to she seems a nasty piece of work" I claimed. "Okay so are you aware of what happened 2 and half months ago?" They asked but I didn't have a clue. "No I don't so please enlighten me" I said "As Cheryl started hanging around with Toni more Penelope started to get a little suspicious of her actions so she sent her to a conversion camp but Toni rescued her" I was shocked I didn't know what to say. They asked me a few more questions. "Okay the last question did you assault Penelope Blossom?" They asked "No I didn't" I plainly said. "Okay so we are done here for now we may need to speak to you again so no leaving the area, I'm going to speak to Penelope to see if she can shed any light on the situation. Thank you for cooperating" they said as they let me out.


They just let me out so I went to find Toni she was sitting outside in the waiting area as I saw her "oh Toni Topaz you are a site for sore eyes" I exclaimed as she jumped up and our lips collided. "So how did it go in there?" She asked. "It was alright just the usual questions and I decided to tell him about my mother sending me to the sisters and hopefully that will help your mom in her case" I said while she was smiling "I've been thinking about that" "so have I. I think Penelope might be framing your mom to get to us and our relationship" I rambled. "I think the exact same thing" Toni said. I couldn't believe it maybe we might of been right in this case there was only one way to find out and let's hope Sheriff Keller can do his job properly to be able to uncover the truth that's held within.

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