Part 19: Date night and promises

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3 months later


Things were going great in my life, My relationship with Toni couldn't be better, after my mother went to prison I asked Toni to move to Thistlehouse officially and of course she said yes. Toni also joined the Rivervixens. I had no idea she could dance like that. Nana Rose loves having Toni around which makes me happy. School was going great my grades were nothing short of exceptional and Toni was getting her grades up to, the Serpents and Bulldogs are now getting along too even some of the serpents are joining the football team. As of right now I'm the happiest I've ever been. 

I was currently in the gym doing an extra Rivervixen session while everyone had free period and I heard Mr Weatherbees voice boom through the intercom "Cheryl Blossom to the principles office, I repeat Cheryl Blossom to the principles office" All the vixens looked at me. "Okay I will be back in a minute, Toni can you just carry on the session please" I asked my girlfriend. She stepped forward walking to me at the front and kissed me "Of course I will, see you later, I love you" as Toni said that all the vixens made kissing noises. "Oh get a grip we aren't in kindergarten" Cheryl shouts as she exits the gym.

"So I'm here, any reason you tear me away from the Vixens?" I ask quite demandingly. "Yes of course, well there is a new student starting tomorrow and I was hoping you could show them around" Mr Weatherbee suggested. "Well I suppose but Toni will be there because you will be taking our time away before class" I demanded. "Yes okay, Thanks Miss Blossom I appreciate the help" "Yeah yeah" I said as I walked down the hall back to the gym where I stood by the door watching Toni lead the vixens. I could watch her forever. DIIIIIIIIINGGG!!!! That signalled the end of free period and all the vixens started to flood the girls locker room. I walked to the middle of the gym where Toni was standing "I saw you watching me princess" Toni said seductively. "Your a gem Topaz, its normal to admire those" I said back. "So what did Weatherbee want?" she asked "Oh that, well I have been asked to show a new kid around school but I refused to do it unless you joined me so we both are doing it. Tomorrow." I said while laughing. "Oh thanks Bombshell" she said while giggling. "So I wondered if I could take you out tonight?" Toni asked. "Like a date night?" I asked. "Yeah we haven't been out just us two in a while I thought it might be nice" "Yeah of course you can where were you thinking?" I asked "Thats for me to know and you to find out" She teased me, the rest of the day dragged on until the bell went that signalled the end of the day. Toni and I jumped in my car and drove to Thistlehouse, we laughed and I wouldn't change it for anything. "So be ready for 7:30 okay princess?" Toni asked. "Yeah of course I can't wait for time alone just us two" I said. "Okay I'm just going to my wardrobe okay so don't come and see me until we leave, I love you" "I love you too" I said back.


Well I had this all planned out just a romantic date night for the two of us. I had to get out the house with out Cheryl knowing. So once I got rid of Cheryl I ran to my wardrobe in another room, it was in another room because Cheryl demanded to have her own wardrobe incase she bought more clothes. I ran to it and found a duffel bag and found my outfit. I thought I would surprise Cheryl by wearing a dress, she had never seen me in dress but has begged me to, I found the pair of shoes I wanted and then I crept my way down the stairs so Cheryl couldn't hear me only to be stopped by Nana Rose "Toni?" "Yeah?" I asked "I need to talk to you" She said seriously. "Oh god am I in trouble?" "No of course not, I wanted to give you something" As she said that she bought out a ring box and opened it "OH Nana Rose Cheryl and I have only been dating for 6 months, don't you think its a bit early for marriage?" I asked "You don't have to give it her as an engagement ring, maybe a promise ring" She exclaimed as she handed it me. "Thank you so much" I said excited. "Oh Nana Rose will you do me a favour, don't tell Cheryl I left because I have a surprise" She just nodded and on that note I left.

It came to 7:30 and I knocked on the door and heard Cheryl shout "Toni could you get that" I just laughed and knocked again and heard Cheryl shout again "Oh my god Toni I ask you to do one thing" and she came to the door and opened it. Her face was priceless. "Cher you okay?" I ask. "Erm yeah TT you look sexy as hell, I've never seen you in a dress before" "Well I thought id make extra effort, and Princess you look beautiful as always. You ready to go?" I asked. She didn't answer me. I saw she was staring but I couldn't work out at what so I followed her eyes to my legs. I stood laughing "Cher?" she looks at me. "You like?" I asked. She just smiles at me "So I take that as a yes, right we need to get going or we are going to miss the reservation" I drove her Impala to the restaurant, Cheryl has been wanting to go to this place for months but they are always fully booked but I managed to get us a table. She kept asking where we were going but I didn't give her anything. 20 minutes later we pulled up at the restaurant. "Toni what are we doing here?" she asked innocently. "We are here to eat" I giggled "But Toni this place is always fully booked" "Well I managed to pull a few strings and we are sitting in one of the suites where it will be just us and nobody else" "Oh my god Toni that must of cost a fortune, how could you afford this?" "I took some extra shifts at the Wyrm and I also have a savings account where I have a large sum of money to help me get started" "Toni you are the best girlfriend ever" I leaned in and gave her a slow but passionate kiss, it didn't show lust only the love we have for each other. "Come on lets go inside" I said. We walked in and it was like the inside of Buckingham Palace (A/N: Buckingham Palace is where the queen of the UK lives just so you know, there might be people who don't) We were approached by a waiter "Hello do you have a reservation?" he asked. "Yes under the name Topaz" "Okay would you like to follow me" We followed the handsome man to one of the rooms where it was decorated like the Queen was about to go "Wow this is amazing" Cheryl said. "I know, have a seat my fair lady" I exclaimed as I pulled her chair out for her "Thank you TT you are a real gentlewoman" she said as I laughed. "Toni are you sure you can afford this?" Cheryl asked. "Yes I'm sure, now choose whatever you want" "Okay what would you like to order?" the waiter asked. "Okay I would like the lobster please with a cherry cola" Cheryl said. "And I will have vegetarian lasagne please with a cherry cola" "Okay the food will be ready soon" "Thank you" Cheryl and I said in unison. Cheryl and I were there for another hour and a half before we left. Cheryl thought we were going home but little did she know that I had another surprise for her "TT where are you going Thistle house is the other way?" "Oh Cheryl our night isn't over yet" I said and carried on driving. we carried on driving to Sweet water river. "Okay we are here" We walked through a clearing where I set up a little picnic for us "So sit down and we will spend the majority of tonight here talking about us and our future and anything else you want but remember we do have to be back because we have school tomorrow" "Hey Cheryl you know I love you don't you?" "Yes of course TT why?" "I just want you to know that I do love you more than anything and that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and to have a family with you" "I love you too Toni and I also want to spend the rest of my life with you and to have a family too" We leaned in and had a quick kiss before I pulled away. "Now before you freak you have to let me explain okay?" and at that moment I pulled out the ring box "Im not asking you to marry me, this is simply to show you how much you mean to me, this is a promise ring so that we both know that we promise to be together forever, your Nana Rose gave it me earlier today" "oh Toni I love you so much, you have no idea." and in that moment we were the happiest we had ever been.

The Next Day


"Come on babe get out of bed, we have to get to school" still nothing so I had an idea, "Oh my god Veronica you are so bad" and with that Toni was up "What? Where is she I'm going to kill her" "Oh TT, you poor little soul, she was never here I used her to get you out of bed" "Cheryl don't do that, I probably would've killed her" "Come on T, get out of bed because we are going to be late and we have to show a new student around" "oh fuck I forgot about that, give me 5 minutes and ill be ready" and in that time Toni was ready and in the car driving to school. We walked into the school and owned it, we walked to the office where we would meet the new student "Okay Weatherbee I'm here so where is the new student?" "Hi Cheryl" I heard, Toni and I turned around. "Heather?"

A/N: Guys I want to thank all of you who have carried on reading my book.It means a lot to me to get 2.5K views. I never in a million years would've thought I would get that many. Please keep reading, voting and commenting to ensure faster updates. Thank you again and I love you all xx

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