Part 39: The Wedding

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June 13th- The wedding day


I woke up with a banging head. I looked to my right to see the bed empty, I then look to my left to see the alarm clock and the date. I suddenly jumped up and realised it was June 13th and that I was getting married. My headache had completely gone and I just wanted to concentrate on the best day of my life marrying the love of my life. I ran down the stairs to be met with Betty, Veronica, Josie and Kevin sitting there. "How are you guys up so early?" I asked. "Its literally 12pm" Veronica said. "Oh shit I only have 3 hours before I get married. Why didn't you wake me?" I asked. "You had a lot to drink last night so we thought it be best to leave you so you could stay up later tonight to celebrate" Betty chimed. "Yeah well now I don't have time to look my best so we better get cracking to look the best I possibly can, does anyone know what time FP and Jughead will be arriving?" I asked. "Yeah they will be here at 2pm but for now go and get your hair and make up done. We will take care of it" Veronica said. "Thanks guys, you are the best" I ran to the seat where the hairdresser was and they started to do the hairstyle I selected. I was thinking about Toni and I really missed her. I pulled my phone out and debated calling her but I didn't, instead I scrolled through my camera roll and just admired the perfect image. "Wow so that is the girl you are marrying, I hope you have a happy life together" The hairdresser exclaimed. "Yeah so do I, I love her so much and if anything were to ever happen I don't know what I would do without her. She is my rock and she holds me up when I am falling down. She is like the float in the water that keeps you from drowning. You never want to let it go but you know at some stage you will, but as of right now I will keep hold of my float and will hold on for dear life and I know when it is time to let go and it isn't for a long time yet" After half an hour my hair was done and I was sitting in front of the make up artist. "So Miss Blossom what look are we going for today?" "Well I was thinking natural with my signature red lipstick of course" they started to get me ready while the girls and Kevin got dolled up. "Okay Cheryl we are dressed can we come out?" Veronica yelled. "Yes come on" The girls walked out in the dresses I chose. Josie and Kevin were just here because Fangs and Reggie were with Toni. "Wow guys you look amazing, now I want to run through the schedule. Well the groomsmen will be walking down with the bridesmaids. So Betty you are walking down with Fangs and V you are walking down with Pea" They both nodded as they started to do their make-up. I was so looking forward to walking down the aisle Miss Blossom for then to walk back down Mrs Topaz-Blossom.


I have been up for two hours just scrolling through my phone. Pictures of Cheryl lit up the room even when she wasn't there. Thats one thing I love about her. I just couldn't wait to make Cheryl my wife, I did have a bit of a headache from the amount I drank last night but I'm sure it is not as bad Cheryls headache. From the call I received last night she seemed pretty wasted as she was crying over a picture of me and her as she thought I wasn't single. That is right she didn't even recognise herself in the image which made me giggle. Now I went to get my dress on. I stayed at my trailer where my mum and Tim now live. "Hey honey you feeling okay?" My mum asked. "Yeah I am on cloud 9. I just can't wait to make her my wife" "Aww how sweet. Now you hurry along and go put your dress on" "Okay but where is Tim?" "Well your friends decided to get him drunk so he is passed out in his room, but if he isn't up in 10 minutes then I will wake him up" I walked to my room and started to put on my dress. I couldn't believe it. I am getting married to Cheryl. It almost felt like a dream. I had the dress on and I turned around to look at myself in the mirror. When I imagined this day I didn't think for a second I would be marrying Cheryl Blossom and I also didn't think I would be walking down the aisle with my mum and also wearing a dress.  20 minutes later and my hair was done. I then decided to do my own make up to save money. I walked into the living room to see Fangs, Pea and Tim dressed in their suits. "Wow guys you look amazing. Tim come here" I told him as he walked closer. I reached my arms up as I started to style his hair. It was a right mess. "Toni get off me!" He shouted. "You look like you have just rolled out of bed" I tried to reason. "That is because I have" "Well this will teach you not to get drunk won't it" We stood there for a moment before Sweet Pea started to talk. "Toni you look amazing, Cheryl is a lucky girl" "No Pea I'm the lucky one that gets to marry her. I mean who thought that 7 years ago I would be marrying Cheryl Blossom" "Definitely not me" Sweet Pea added. I just giggled and carried on trying to fiddle with Tims hair. A few seconds later my mum came out all dressed up. "Mum you look amazing" I said. "Thank you Antionette. You look amazing too" "Oi please don't call me that. I only want one person calling me that and that is the minister when he asks me to take Cheryl and of course I will" It was 2pm so I decided it was best to get going incase we hit traffic.

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