Chapter 1 - Tranfer student

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Osamu Dazai sighed. Walking into school in his casual clothes, sandy trench-coat, white blouse, sandy colored pants and a black tie, he was glad it didn't have a uniform policy. He didn't have the money for that at the moment.
He pushed that thought to the side, all he needed to do was get to class early so no one could get in his way. Normally it was a list of people that got in his way, but not today!
The brunette was determined to get to class. It was one of those feelings, you know? Where you know if you get there on time, something good would happen!
Dazai didn't know what awaited him. Maybe someone willing to die?
The brunette rushed to his shoe locker to change his shoes and began a quick pace towards his homeroom. It wasn't empty, but definitely not as full as it is at lunch.
Dazai scanned the room for a difference. None. He was either late, or early. The suicide advocate sat at his desk. At the very back next to the wall, an empty one sat in front of him.
Just as Dazai was dozing off, a loud slam jerked him awake. He looked at the hand in his desk and saw the book beneath it.
"Ohh~ Ku-ni-ki-daaaa~" Dazai teased the figure. Doppo Kunikida, class rep of Dazais' class. He was obsessed with his diary of ideals and often hit Dazai around the head with it.
"Don't say my name like that, bastard." Kunikida rarely swore, it was only at Dazai when he swore.
Being over dramatic, Dazai waved his warms around, attracting attention.
"That stung Kunikida-Kun! Swearing at an innocent bystander such as myself!" Dazai smiled innocently.
Kunikida stared at the idiot. A vein in his temple twitching.
"Who's the idiot who swears every time he sees a younger student? Ryunosuke Akutagawa, right?" Kunikida glared hard down at Dazai. Dazais' smile faltered slightly as he gave a disturbed side glance to his left.
"He's annoying! He won't leave me alone!" Dazai replied, more students began filing  into the room.
Kunikida sighed, pushing his glasses further up his nose.
"Tsk. Fine, whatever, you're excuses don't work on me..." Kunikida picked his book up and started scribbling into it with his pen. Dazai watched intently. "There is a new transfer student arriving today too Dazai, they will sit in front of you. DO NOT bully them." With that Kunikida turned to take his seat at the front of the class.
"Stupid Kunikida, why would I bully the new kid?" Dazai mumbled under his breath.
It wasn't long until the home room teacher, Sensei, walked in did the class silence and take their seats.
"Right, today you may of heard, we have a new student joining us. You can come in now." Sensei looked to the door and a small ginger kid wearing a white blouse, black pants and a collar around his neck, walked in.
Dazai raised his hand.
Sensei sighed, "What is it Dazai?"
Dazai smirked, "You sure he isn't a 2nd grader Sensei?"
Sensei ignored the cheeky remark, the transfer student clearly didn't. He sent a spine tingling glare at Dazai, who in return, smiled innocently.
"You can introduce yourself." Sensei said, nodding at the shorter figure.
The figure nodded, "I am Nakahara Chuuya. I hope to enjoy my stay here at Stray Dog High." Chuuya bowed before standing straight. Nakahara Chuuya, new student at SDH, short and ginger. Usually hot headed and attracts a lot of unwanted attention.
"Right, you can take a seat in front of Dazai." Sensei mumbled, turning to sit at his desk to take the morning registration.
Chuuya reluctantly sat in front of Dazai. Dazai smirked, he wouldn't bully the new kid! He would never do that! He would just tease him.
Dazai stared at Chuuya, thinking of different ways to annoy the shorter figure. Throwing paper? Throwing origami figures? Whispering his name nonstop? Getting him into constant trouble? There where so many options!
"...Ai...Zai..." Dazai heard being mumbled, he only jerked out of his train of thought when Sensei walked to his desk, bent down to Dazais' level and yelled "OSAMU DAZAI!"
"WHAT!?" Dazai yelled back, soon regretting his mistake. His first fuck up when talking back at a teacher.
Sensei stared at him before standing straight.
"Detention Dazai." Sensei walked back to his desk to continue, Chuuya had turned to smirk.
"Turns out you're not as smart as cocky!" The red head mumbled, stifling a laugh.
"At least I'm tall enough to be in this grade, shortie!" Dazai said back, smirking at how he make Chuuya red with rage.
"Dazai." Dazai looked up at Sensei, "Double detention for speaking in class." Sensei wasn't even looking in his direction, he was writing on the blackboard and hadn't moved to glance back at him.
Dazai silently cursed himself as he stared at Chuuyas' back, zoning in and out of reality. He popped back into reality after a piece of paper was in front of him.
"... I hope you all revised for this exam..." Sensei said before droning on. Dazai stared at the paper. He hadn't revised but he passed all his previous exams without revising. He would just cheat on this one, easy enough. He looked to his right. Kunikida had put a large folder to stop Dazai looking at the persons paper.
Dazai caught Kunikidas' gaze and mouthed a swear word.
"Dazai, no swearing in class!" Sensei growled.
"I said nothing, Sensei! Just told Kunikida-Kun good luck!" Dazai explained, an innocent unreadable look etched on his face.
Sensei looked over at the brunette before finishing handing out the papers. After finished that task the man walked to the front of the room. "45 minutes, starting now."
At the word now, pens scribbles over paper. Dazai stared at the Sensei. He hadn't revised and looking at other papers, other than the person next to him, would only get him caught.
Then he got an idea. He would make the excuse to need the toilet and memorize most answers form test papers! Perfect idea!
"Sensei can I go to the bath-"
Dazai sighed. He was just going to have to guess the answers. Or find an easier way to cheat, whichever was best.

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