Chapter 9 - Gonner?

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Dazai stood at the end of the pier, staring out into the large mass of water. Sea salt filling his nose, blocking the stenches from earlier.
His face bore no emotion as he stood, contemplating how to jump. Maybe he should just step of? Or a last jump of courage? Dazai let out a sigh of annoyance, he hadn't planned the jump, the most important part of suicide.
He smiled thickly to himself, thoughts of his past cropped up and how he thought of committing a double suicide. So much for the double part... He bent his knees slightly ready to jump, everything had gone silent. It all paused, the world had gone quite and Dazai jumped. His feet left the solid elm wood. The sea got further away then suddenly so close until-
"Not so fast bastard!" Chuuya yelled, grabbing Dazai's black trench coat, pulling the male back with a large amount of force that didn't last long, a bright light emitted from Dazai as the words 'No Longer Human' flashed before him, causing Chuuya to fall backwards.
The two lay on a heap on the floor, Dazai clutching onto Chuuya, not wanting to let go.
"Oi! Mackerel your crushing me!" Chuuya growled pushing Dazai away. They both sat staring at each other for a moment.
"What where you thinking!" Chuuya yelled at Dazai, his eyes and face showing pure rage.
"I didn't know you had an ability Chibi!" Dazai chimed, smiling at the look of confusion on Chuuya's face.
"What do you mean?" Chuuya asked.
"An ability is a gift humans can get, I have one. Mines an anti ability that nullifies any ability I touch!" Dazai explained to Chuuya. "Do you know your abilities name Chibi?"
"I remember yelling something like 'For The Tainted Sorrow'" Chuuya tapped his chin thoughtfully as he stared up at the darkening sky. "I got here by sprinting really fast too..."
"Oh, and when I activated my ability we both fell, your ability probably manipulates gravity..." Dazai hummed thoughtfully as Chuuya stared at him in confusion. What was this man? A bloody detective?
Dazai snickered at the face Chuuya was pulling, he hadn't laughed so fully for ages. It felt good.
"What are you laughing about mackerel!?" Chuuya yelled, punching Dazai in the arm lightly, he had no idea what was happening. It had all just come and gone, just like the click of a finger.
The pair sat in silence, unsure of what to talk about. Several times did both open their mouths to speak but no words where audible. Eventually, Chuuya broke the silence.
"Why where you going to kill yourself?" Chuuya asked quietly, nothing in his voice but worry. Dazai stared at him, his eyes a dull brown, a tired expression on his face.
"I though... Since I have no reason to live for, you would be better off without me..." Dazai trailed off, unsure if he should of lied or not. He looked away from Chuuya as thoughts and questions entered his mind.
"Are you stupid? I need you, you're one of my only friends moron!" Chuuya growled, hugging Dazai. At the sudden touch of affection, Dazai froze, unsure of what to do.
They both sat and embraced each other for a while, before standing and walking away from the sea. Hand in hand as they looked at each other.

And just like that, they kissed. It didn't last long but to them it lasted a millennium.
"So," Dazai started, earning a hum from Chuuya, "How about starting a relationship?"
"Whatever you say mackerel." Chuuya rolled his eyes, sighing before he jumped at Dazai for a hug. "I would love to spend time with you."
"Then maybe we can commit double suicide together!"
Chuuya flinched, pick up Dazai and walking the edge of the pier.
"Wait! Chuuya, no! Don't!" Dazai yelled as Chuuya got ready to throw Dazai in, he smirked as he nearly let go of Dazai, quickly grabbing him before he hit the water.
"Bastard don't say stuff like that to me."
"Aww! Chibi-"
Chuuya glared at Dazai, tempted to throw him.
"Why are you glaring at me like that Chibi?" Dazai chimed, a very happy smile on his face. Chuuya's face the complete polar opposite.
"If you keep calling me Chibi I will kill you!" Chuuya growled at Dazai, who nervously laughed it off.
"Okay, Okay! Chi-"
And Dazai ended up in a heap on the floor, pain surging through him. Chuuya has definitely thrown him... at a hard wood surface.
The red head smirked, helping Dazai up as they began to walk to Chuuya's flat.

"I love you Chibi~"

"I will kill you mackerel~"

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