Chapter 3 - Bastard

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Chuuya groaned. It had been a restless night knowing an insect was in the kitchen. Or that was where Chuuya left him anyway.
"Chuuya! I can't find anything decent to eat!" Chuuya growled, Dazai was searching through his house. He slumped out of bed putting on his casual clothes.
"You don't need to eat here asshole!" Chuuya growled. He stretched making himself toast in the kitchen. Dazai was stood in the middle of the kitchen area. Watching Chuuya. Staring creepily.
"What do you want asshole?" Chuya asked, turning to look at the taller figure.
Dazai hummed before responding.
"Why did I wake up on the floor?"
"It's where you normally sleep at your house, no?" Chuuya grumbled, fishing his toast out the toaster. Buttering it carefully.
Dazai pouted. Wrapping his arms around Chuuyas' neck.
"Where is my toast?~" Dazai breathes lightly into Chuuyas' ear, making the ginger shiver and flinch. Dazai smirked taking the toast slice and holding out of the shorter mans reach.
Chuuya growled. 'That bastard!' The ginger swiftly turned, glaring daggers into the brunettes body.
"That's my toast!"
"Ah~ Well I'm hungry!~" with that said, Dazai licked the slice of toast, a shiver went down Chuuyas' spine as he watched his toast get molested by an idiot.
"NO!" Chuuya screamed, punching Dazai as he tried to swallow the toast. It only ended up in Dazai choking on Chuuyas' floor. "Bastard! You deserved that!"
Chuuya stormed to his door, picking up his rucksack and opened his door. Locking his apartment and leaving Dazai by accident.

"Nakahara Chuuya..." Senseis' voice drones on. It was registration.
"Here Sensei." Chuuya replied.
He felt weird today, like something was missing. He didn't forget anything at home did he?
"Osamu Dazai?" Sensei called out for the third time.
That's what was missing. The asshole.
"He's skipping school today? No surprise there..." Senseis' voice changed after that, he became happier.
"Shit... I left him in my house... locked in there... with everything valuable I own..." Chuuya mumbled.

Dazai picked Chuuyas' door lock. It was his first plan of action, he had done it 2 or so hours ago but when someone like Chuuya leaves you locked in their house. You HAVE to explore their house.
Dazai found many hats, medicines, a spare room with clothes in and that was really all the only slightly intriguing objects. The most valuable objects Dazai found where gems of different types. Real gems. Rubies and sapphires. Despite his temptation, he resisted taking them and walked out.
He was going to be roughly a couple  hours late for school.

Chuuya was sat at his desk. Currently it was lunchtime and he made no food for himself because of the bastard locked in his house.
"Chuuya-Kun," Chuuya turned his head to Atsushi, a younger student, "Do you know where Dazai is?"
"I accidentally locked him in my house after a fit of rage..." Chuuya sighed, annoyed by his own stupidity.
"Oh..." Atsushi seemed disappointed. Like he expected Chuuya to know if Dazai was doing something in secret and only the short ginger knew about it. Like they where both physics or some shit.
Well Chuuya wasn't wrong about Dazai doing something in secret.

"I'll have a white coffee and two salad sandwiches to go, please!" Dazai asked the cashier cheerfully. He was in a small café near SDH and was buying Chuuya food, with the gingers savings the brunette found in a jar.
"That will be ¥1,230 please!" The cashier replied cheerfully as Dazais' order was given him.
Dazai have the money and took his order outside, walking to school.

"Chuuya? He's over there!" Chuuya heard over the gradually enlarging crowd in the classroom.
"Ah~ thank you!"
Dazai walked over to Chuuya and placed the coffee and sandwiches in front of the ginger.
"You took no lunch today! So I brought you some!" Dazai told the confused ginger.
"How... How did you get out?" He asked, eating a sandwich.
"Pick-locked the door..." Dazai answered casually. "Anything I missed?"
"Sensei seemed happy you where gone asshole..." Chuuya mumbled, finishing his sandwiches and coffee. "You gave me cold coffee!"
"It's hard to keep coffee warm, the café I went to was cheap but quite a distance!" Dazai replied, a pout look molding his face.
Chuya glared. He punched the brunette away, staring out a window. 'That asshole probably stole something and left the door wide fucking open! That asshole...I'll teach him!' Chuuya though to himself, his expression remained slightly agitated but managed to keep his emotions to flow smoothly.
"Bastard..." Chuuya scowled, Dazai took his usual seat behind Chuuya, drifting in and out of reality.

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