Chapter 10 - The start of love

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"And then you- Dazai what are you doing?" Sensei asked, utterly confused by what the brunette was doing. The whole class turned to stare at Dazai, the brunette was stood behind Chuuya... leaning on him.
"I'm doing nothing Sensei~" Dazai chimed, an innocent smile stretched upon his face.
Sensei stared at Dazai then looked at Chuuya, the ginger didn't seem bothered by the brunette at all.
Sensei turned back to the chalk board, "Get off Chuuya and sit in your own seat, or you get a detention for a week."
Dazai didn't move.
"That means no free time, even after school."
There was grumbling and snickering before shuffling of feet and movement of a chair. Sensei sighed before continuing the lesson.

"Finally class is over for the day!" Dazai yawned, stretching his back until he heard a satisfying crack.
"What do you want to do after school?" Chuuya asked, swinging his bag onto his shoulder. Dazai hummed.
"How about ice cream?"Chuuya's eyes lit up as soon as Dazai mentioned 'ice cream' making Dazai chuckle slightly. "Ice cream it is!"
The pair walked out school together, not many people thought much of it as the pair normally left together, until Dazai stopped before the gate.
"Dazai-?" Chuuya started yet was cut off by Dazai kissing him. Students in the school stared at them in confusion, as Dazai broke the kiss he looked at an extremely flustered Chuuya.
"Dazai! We're still in school!" Chuuya growled, punching Dazai lightly. Dazai smirked.
"Aww, but I love Chibi~"
"I will kill you if you keep calling me that!" Chuuya growled, punching Dazai a few feet away, "Now are you going to buy me ice cream or not?"
Dazai stood making his way to the ginger, nodding painfully as they continued to walk out the school. Murmuring could be heard behind them as they walked away.
Hand in hand, they smiled. Knowing they both loved each other.

Chuuya licked his vanilla ice cream.
"You like the Ice cream?" Dazai laughed lightly as Chuuya nodded.
"It's a shame that this book ends here..." Chuuya sighed, finishing off his ice cream.
Dazai hummed, "Yeah but the readers can find a different book... besides there where hardly any mentions of other BSD characters!"
"That's because it's a book about us dumbass!"
"We hardly even followed the script!"
"We went off the rails because you're a suicide addict, Dazai!"
"True love knows now boundaries!"
"..." Chuuya glared at Dazai before sighing.
"I know you love me Chibi~"
"I love you too Mackerel..."

So I believe I finished this book? If you think otherwise well, suck my dick because there isn't really much to go on. I mean, it's a high school romance... ehh. Anyways thank you for reading my trash! And if you didn't like it then I don't care! I know this chapter is extremely short but I actually have no more plot for this story :') I have another Soukoku fanfic and might start writing more than SKK.
Thank you for reading,

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