Chapter 6 - Welcome to my home

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"I'm home." Dazai groaned as he walked into the fairly large house, he took in the musty gray walls and hard wood flooring,  the chemical smells instantly flooding into his nose making him feel like he was drowning.
"I'm surprised!" Dazai heard Q say, the front door could see the lounge area straight to the back yard, the stairs were to the right of the front door, just after the stairs was the kitchen where it had the stench of things Dazai didn't want to label.
"Shut up Q." Dazai answered, going for the stairs.
"Where are you going? You said you would play with me!" Q said, smiling from the couch.
Dazai paused turning to Chuuya, "My room is the-"
"I didn't know you had a younger brother Dazai!" Chuuya whispered, becoming nervous.
"More like brat who lives here..." Dazai mumbled, walking to the couch, not bothering with his shoes. Chuuya copying the brunette.
"Dazai, this is my new pet!" Chuuya saw the black and white haired child say, pointing at a fat brown rat. "His name is Coffee!"
"Okay..." Dazai said nonchalantly.
Chuuya's eyes widened as the child picked up a silver scalpel, noticing the other doctor utensils placed in front of the child,
"Coffee is my favourite," the child said as he picked up the rat and placed it in a small box. He picked up another box then looked at Chuuya, a twisted smile upon his face. "I'm Q, who are you?"
"I-I'm Nakahara Chuuya." Chuuya answered, stammering slightly.
"Hmm... You're Chuuya, want to join?" Q asked, opening the box and reaching in, pulling out a skinny gray rat.
Chuuya nodded as Q moved the objects to the floor, smiling sadistically. Dazai moved to sit on the floor and the three of them made a circle around the rat and utensils.
"So what are we going to do?" Chuuya asked, looking at Dazai for help but the brunette was lost in thought, staring at the small shaking rat.
"We're helping them. I've had these subjects for a week and Coffee survived. I started with ten and finished with 6." Q explained as he examined a scalpel.
Dazai picked up the rat and forced its jaw open.
"It's teeth are rotten..." Dazai mumbled, placing the rat down.
"I know." Q said indifferently as he held down the rat on its back, dragging the scalpel over the rats belly, it's dying shrieks ringing in Chuuya's ears as he watched.
Dazai noticed his friends eyes begin to tear up, he blinked remembering the project.
"Oh, Q, me and Chuuya have a school assignment to do." Dazai said, standing up, holding a hand out to Chuuya, who took it and stood, his eyes shadowed. "I'll play with you at another date."
"Okay." Q said as he continued to murder the rat.
Dazai nodded, dragging Chuuya up the stairs silently, it was a two bedroom house, Mori's room and Q's room on the second floor with the bathroom, Dazai's room in the attic. Dazai pulled the hatch down with a hooked stick and watched the wooden ladders fall down, he let Chuuya up first and followed behind, pulling the ladder and hatch up.
"Chuuya are you okay?" Dazai asked the red head, who was white as a ghost now.
Dazai's room was dark and had many ropes, bandages, books and other objects littering the floor. The bed was messy and cobwebs where everywhere.
"Dazai..." Chuuya mumbled, his vision went fuzzy. Then black as he felt arms wrap around him after a gust of wind hit his face.
Dazai started to panic, Chuuya had just fainted. He looked around for where to place him, his bed being the best option, Dazai placed the small figure upon it.
He sighed, Chuuya's chest was moving. Dazai watched the unconscious figure, noticing his pink lips and soft pale skin. Dazai began to think about kissing Chuuya, wanting to taste the red heads lips, feel his skin, mark him. He leaned forward unconsciously, getting closer and closer until he was jolted out his thoughts by a loud bang against the floor and the yell of his name.
He opened the hatch and let the ladders fall down, using them to get the the second floor.
It was Mori, Q stood behind him in a bloody mess.
"Q told me we have a guest." Mori smiled innocently, Dazai hated the fact he got his 'innocent' smile from him.
"So what if we have?" Dazai retorted.
"I would like to check if they're okay." Mori responded.
"Ah, well you see," Dazai smiled, a twisted sadistic smile as he continued, "He would feel worse seeing someone like you."
"Don't get cocky young man." Mori snarled.
"Don't snarl at me old man." Dazai had a cocky look on his face now.
Mori stared at him grabbing his arm.
"Maybe I don't discipline you good enough." Mori smirked. "Maybe your friend won't mind if I have a little talk with you."
Dazai stared emotionless, he was scared. He didn't show it because Mori would win, who wanted their guardian to win a pathetic fight? No one.
"I'm sure they will be fine." Dazai answered, allowing the ladder to retract up.
Mori smiled, walking into his room, Q watched them walk into the dark abyss, known as Mori's room, and smiled, walking into his own room.

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