Chapter 5 - Next day

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"What did you do that caused you to go to prison, Dazai?" Mori asked the brunette as he gave the boy half a slice of toast.
"I got accused of something I didn't do." Dazai answered nonchalantly, not even taking notice of the toast.
"It's been a while since I've seen you," Mori sighed. "Why did you run away?" Mori looked at Dazai, his eyes glaring into the boys, a twisted smile upon his face.
"Dazai?" There was another voice now, a young boy walked down the stairs. Dazai scoffed, it was 'Q'.
"Be nice to your younger brother Dazai." Mori said, walking to the door. "I've got work today and I expect you back here straight after school."
Mori left, his raven hair hanging over his face, he was wearing a white doctors coat, a white shirt with a black tie and his usual black pants with black shoes. He closed the door after saying goodbye to Q.
"So Dazai came back to play?" Q asked Dazai as the brunette stand went for the door, holding his creepy doll. "Don't leave yet!" Dazai was held back by Q holding onto his coat.
"Q, I need to get to school. We can play later." Dazai grumbled.
"I want to play now." Q said, his face twisting into a smile.
Dazai glared down at the smaller figure, pulling away and opening the door, slamming it behind him. He trudged off to school trying to think of a plan to escape.
Why did he tell the police that Mori was his guardian? He despised the man yet the man somewhat loved him around his chemical stench of a household.
Dazai growled, Mori wasn't his guardian anymore. He recalled the time he ran away from Mori and Q. It's been a few months now.

"Why are you following me, Dazai?" Kunikida asked, confused as to the brunette following him.
"I've got nothing to do after school and we're best friends!" Dazai exclaimed, "Why not hang out more?"
Kunikida let out a sigh of agreement, not knowing he had signed up to Dazai nearly living with him.

"Dazai, why don't you go home today? I've got to do something." Kunikida told Dazai one day after school, Dazai frowned, pouting.
"Aww... okay, only if I have to!" Dazai whined, Kunikida ignored Dazai and started to walk home. Dazai watched after him.
He couldn't go home. He wouldn't, even if he had to. He left for a reason.

Dazai's breathing hitched as steps walked by. A taunting voice could be heard. Dazai was hiding in a trash can, the stench filling his nose as spiders and flies attacked him.
"Dazai~, come out now. It's been so long since I've seen yoou~" It was the voice of Mori, his previous guardian.
"Mori, I'm bored let's go home!" Dazai heard Q whine, despite the fact they grew up as brothers, neither of them really liked each other.
Mori hummed, "Our pet will come back to us soon, let's go home then and wait."
Dazai waited until the area was silent, not even the twitching and moving of insects could be heard anymore. The brunette made his way out the trash can.
The stench of trash following him as he staggered away from his hiding place.

Dazai made it to school and slumped into his chair, he couldn't bring himself to smile or say hello to anyone. His only thought was Mori and Q and how he was going to escape.
Chuuya arrived just before Sensei did, he looked sad until he sat down, his emotion instantly changing to happiness.
Dazai zoned in and out of reality, choices appearing and disappearing as he thought, he unconsciously answered his name in the register and sat the entire day in his seat. His work being completed yet his face showed no emotion.
It eventually reached the end of the day and Dazai stood to leave, only to be called to stay behind by Sensei.
"You've done all your work today and no report of misbehaviour, good. This must continue Dazai!" Sensei smiled a genuine smile that was not returned, instead Dazai nodded and left.
It was when he just stepped out the school gates was when he was stopped.
"Oi, Shitty Dazai!" It was Chuuya. Dazai paused for a moment then sighed before continued walking 'home'.
"Oi! Mackerel!"
"Listen to me!"
"Osamu Dazai, are you okay?"
Dazai flinched, no one had asked him that question with his full name. Dazai turned, startled to see Chuuya's eyes glazed with sadness.
"I-I'm sorry for what happened, I tried to explain but-"
"It's fine Chuuya." Dazai said nonchalantly, "I have to go home now, bye Chibi." Dazai waved goodbye to Chuuya before turning and walking away.
Chuuya grabbed onto the brunettes coat, "I'm going with you. To your home." Chuuya added the last part, shaking slightly as he stared at the ground.
Dazai smiled as he turned to look at the helpless red head. He felt amused by the sight.
"You can follow me if you want but be careful." Dazai warned as he began walking again, Chuuya right at his side.
"Whatever mackerel..." Chuuya huffed, looking off to side with his hands in his hips. Dazai laughed at this and Chuuya punched his arm lightly.
"Oi! Don't laugh!"
"I'm not laughing, Shortie!"
"Don't call me that, Giraffe!"
Dazai laughed, "What kind of nickname is that!?"
"You're tall!"
"That's why I call you Shortie!"
"Maybe I should call you Tallie!"
"What about Handsome.~" Dazai suggested, smirking proudly.
"What about waste of bandages?" Chuuya mumbled, snickering to himself.
"Oi! You're the one with a hat fetish!"
"And you're the one who wears bandages!" Chuuya yelled, "why do you even wear them?"
Dazai stopped smiling and his face fell emotionless, he hummed for a moment before responding.
"To symbolise my bond with another beautiful woman during a beautiful double suicide!" Dazai said dreamily.
Chuuya looked at him in disgust, once Dazai looked at him he put two fingers in his mouth and gagged.
"Ahh... you won't understand my desire for death Chibi!" Dazai frowned, waving his arms around dramatically.
Chuuya rolled his eyes as the pair continued towards Dazai's household. Not knowing the dangers awaiting them both.

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