Chapter 8 - Drugs and Punishment

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Mori dragged Dazai into the house. Q had been put to bed as it was getting late. The brunette walked over and slumped onto the couch, grabbing the tv remote and flicking through the tv channels.
"Not so fast smartass." Mori smiled, grabbing the remote from behind Dazai and turning the tv off. "You need to take your medication, even the ones you missed."
Dazai stared at him and nodded. It already felt like he had taken a few hundred.
Mori gave Dazai two small bottles of different medications. Neither labeled correctly as the only label was Dazai's name on both bottles.
"All need to be swallowed before bed." Mori said, walking back to the kitchen and searching the cupboards for a glass to fill with water, returning to Dazai with it. He smiled innocently as he watched Dazai take out a few pills and put them in his mouth, taking a sip of water to help wash it down.
The brunette cringed at the effect, his head went light and fuzzy. He clenched his teeth and continued.
"Dazai, I'm surprised you're not dead." The raven haired man nonchalantly said to Dazai as he watched Dazai swallow the last of the pills. His mind had become foggy, he wanted to throw up, to kill Mori.
He wanted to murder Mori.
He growled as he hunched over, spilling the water, he let out a yell of pain as he throw up. One of the bottles wasn't the correct medication and Dazai knew Mori knew that. He kept throwing up and eventually stopped, screaming and yelling at Mori to make the pain go away.
"TAKE IT AWAY! TAKE IT AWAY!" Echoed throughout the house as Dazai screamed for help. Any help.
Mori stared, taking out another bottle of pills, this time labelled sleeping pills. The raven haired man took out a few and picked Dazai up, forcing the pills into his mouth, the brunette struggling to swallow.
After what seemed like hours of struggling and pain, Dazai finally slipped unconscious. Mori picked him up and took him to his room, placing the drugged child onto his bed.
Leaving the boy and going to his own bed.

"Dazai wake up! You've got school in two hours!" Mori yelled, Dazai groaned, remembering last nights events. He stood up and chose different clothes to wear. The ones Mori had gives him and he forgot to burn (black shorts, white shirt, black neck tie, black trench coat and black shoes).
"Dazai hurry up!" Mori yelled again.
"I'm coming! Shut up already!" Dazai yelled back, making his way down the ladders to the second floor. "You could of at least changed my clothes!"
"And you can at least bathe! You stink!" Mori retorted, Dazai rolled his eyes, going to shower.
Once he finished and walked backdown stairs and turned into the kitchen for breakfast, only to be met with a small plate of 2 pills and a glass of water.
"Your going back on your meds schedule." Mori said, eating a slice of toast. Dazai knew this meant nights of pain and mornings of illness and barely any food.
"I'm not taking them at lunch." Dazai groaned as he swallowed the two pills with a large gulp of water.
"Too bad, I told your school to give it you every two hours." Dazai glared at Mori when the raven haired man claimed this.
"Fuck you." Dazai growled as he went to pick up his rucksack and slammed the door behind him, charging off to school.

Once Dazai reached school the first thing to hit him was angry glares, despite the fact he ignored it people still glared, talking about him. He couldn't see anyone he knew and made up the decision to go to homeroom. Big mistake. He walked in and went to his place, only to see it crowded by people, as well as Chuuya's chair. He pushed through to his space and people dispersed closer to Chuuya's desk.
"It's him!"
"I heard he's a psycho..."
"I heard he killed someone!"
"Look what he did to Chuuya-Kun!"
Dazai growled as the room became filled with whispers and murmurs about him, shaking with anger he stood up, silencing everyone.
"If you don't shut up I will kill someone." Dazai growled, slumping back into his chair as Sensei walked in.
"Everyone take your seats, I have a few things to mention." Sensei paused until everyone was seated, "I would prefer it if you didn't provoke Dazai as his guardian told the school its safe to tell you all that he has mental conditions that will lead to harsh reactions to certain things. So for your safety, please keep to your own business." Sensei paused and started to continue when Dazai interrupted.
"So your going to believe a man who looks like a psychopath himself and has the stench of chemicals and blood always following him? I'm completely fine!" Dazai yelled, making Chuuya flinch in front of him.
"Dazai, please remain calm in lesson!" Sensei calmly stated, clearly not listening to Dazai.
"Why are all adults ignorant fools!" Dazai yelled, kicking Chuuya in front of him, causing the red head to jolt forward and fall of his chair. The whole class gasped and the closest rushed to help Chuuya.
"Dazai! Go to the nurses office. Now!" Sensei yelled at Dazai as he made his way over to Chuuya. "Kunikida take Chuuya and Dazai to the the nurses office!"
Kunikida nodded,  helping Chuuya up and following Dazai to the nurses office.
"What are you doing Dazai? This isn't like you!" Kunikida asked Dazai, the brunette wanted to answer truthfully. That he was being drugged at home, a place every child should seek safety and love.
Instead he sighed and answered simply, "Sometimes Kunikida, things in life change you..." Dazai continued and opened the office door, allowing Chuuya and Kunikida in first and following behind.
The room was large and bright yellow, it smelled of flowers to hide the chemicals but Dazai could still sniff out some he knew. Such as sleeping pills.
"Who have we got today?" Asked a kind, high pitched voice. The students called her Nurse Joy as she was always full of joy, Dazai smirked. From what he's heard and seen he's the only one able to crack her happy shell and show her true, sad side.
"So Dazai and Chuuya?" Nurse Joy gave a polite nod to Kunikida, who nodded back and left, returning to the home room. "One if you care to explain?" Nurse Joy was tall and skinny as most would say, not much chest area but her light pink hair and light blue orbs made nearly every one owe up their injuries. Of course if it was caused by breaking a rule you won't just get treatment and a good luck but also a detention given by her.
"Dazai... he's crazy..." Chuuya whispered as Dazai stared at him, "He had a fit of rage in homeroom and kicked me off my chair!"
Nurse Joy nodded and pointed to a white bed for Chuuya to sit on, Chuuya shakily nodded, limping slightly as he went to go sit on the bed.
"Mori-San has told me if you have a fit of rage to give you your get well pill." Nurse Joy sighed as she went over to a desk, picking up a bottle labelled 'Dazai GWP'. "I believe the instructions say to give three every time he has one and he must only take water with it..." Nurse Joy got a plastic beaker and began to fill it with water from a tap. "He must not eat anything after taking any medications..."
Dazai growled as she held out a gloved hand with three 'get well pills' on, he took the water out her other hand and the three pills. He popped them into his mouth as once and swallowed a gulp of water, resisting the urge to hit the nearest thing, Nurse Joy.
"Good boy! Now to check Chuuya!" Nurse Joy took a step towards Chuuya when Dazai took a slow step to the door. "You can leave now Dazai!" She smiled, now at Chuuya's side, tending to his bruised ankle.
Dazai reached the door before violently throwing up; collapsing to the floor in a coughing fit.
"Dazai!" Chuuya yelled, Nurse Joy looked shocked, she gave him the right medication, right? She rushed to the phone and contacted Mori, asking him to arrive immediately.

"The side effects are completely normal, in fact," Mori said, taking a good look at Dazai, who was sat in the side of the bed, Chuuya nursing him, "He shouldn't need any more mess until after school!"
"Oh thank goodness! I though I gave him the wrong thing. He seemed fine after taking it and it wasn't much thrown up either..." Nurse Joy let out a sigh before continuing to chat to Mori.
Dazai glared at him, his eyes dull.
"What happened Dazai? Why did that happen after you took your pills?" Chuuya frantically asked, after the coughing fit had subsided, Dazai started to mumble for help and had grabbed a pair of scissors used to cut tape, he started stabbing the bed and somehow caught himself.
"Chuuya, that man, is a psychopath. He's smart about it and puts the blame on me. Never Q as he's similar to that bastard. The pills, aren't exactly for me..." Dazai trailed off as he saw Mori glaring at him.
"Why are you taking them if they're not yours?" Chuuya asked, finishing up.
Dazai smirked as Chuuya gave him a confused yet angry look.
"What's so funny bastard?"
"You would makes great nurse one day!" Dazai laughed, teasing Chuuya was always good fun.
"Be good now Dazai!" Mori smiled as he waved goodbye and walked out, ignoring the fact his 'son' got a light hit from his peer.

It soon hit after school and the red head and brunette where supposedly last out. Chatting about future plans.
"Hey Mackerel," Chuuya stated, Dazai hummed in response, "I heard you're a suicide addict. I wouldn't be surprised..."
"Yes I'm a suicide addict," Dazai hummed for a moment before asking, "Why bring up the subject though?"
Chuuya stared at Dazai, he had the light stench of sick around him along with chemicals. It forced Chuuya to gag at the smell.
"Dazai, what on earth is that stench?" Chuuya coughed, he was struggling to stand and Dazai had to hold him up.
Dazai looked around, he could smell it but there was no one visibly here. Dazai brought Chuuya's head to his chest to quieten the coughing and hopefully soothe the smaller figure. He breathed in the fumes, not recognising them. He picked Chuuya up bridal style and started running, running towards the docks.
He thought that the salty smell emitting from the water could mask the smell. Then he realised, it was him who had the horrible stench on him.
"Chuuya, it's me. I'm the one who has that stench..." Dazai mumbled to his partly conscious friend, "I'm sorry!"
"It's okay..." Chuuya managed to say in between coughs. Dazai stared wide eyed at his friends fragile body so weak and flimsy in his arms.
"You could jump into the sea." Said a voice behind Dazai, making the boy stand still. "I will take the boy back to his home. You can trust me."
Dazai breathed in thinking about what would happen if Chuuya found out he died. Though death seemed so perfect at a time like this.
"If you die, Chuuya will have a better life." The voice said again, a note of cheerfulness lacing it. Dazai stood very still, if it was for Chuuya's sake, he would do anything.
He nodded, placing Chuuya down on the floor and walking further towards the dark, soon being engulfed by it.
The figure the voice came from picked Chuuya up, turning the opposite way and walking to Chuuya's apartment. Soon reaching it and leading the boy inside to Kyouou, who seemed to be in a very stressful state before the sight of Chuuya.

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