Chapter Twenty Four

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Hey everyone, just wanted to quickly say thanks for all the support from everyone and all the encouragement! I hope you like this chapter so let me know what you think :). When you start reading listen to the song :) --> 


Recap: I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. “Answer it.” Josh said. 

“Noooo.” I mumbled, digging my face into my pillow and trying to block out the thumping headache and queasiness. 

“I’ll get it then.” Josh said, reaching over me and grabbing my phone. “Hello, Lola’s phone!” Josh said, cringingly enthusiastic. A few moments passed when I heard him say. “Oh, oh no.” I looked up to face him and saw that his face had turned white and he was staring at me worriedly. “We’ll be right down.” He said again into the phone before hanging up.

“Who was it? What happened?” I asked.

“Lola, get your stuff we need to leave now.”

“No, Josh! Tell me what happened!” I said firmly.

“It was someone from the hospital. Sam’s in hospital in a critical condition… He killed Jacob.” 

The room around me started to spin and everything went silent. My vision blurred and all I could hear was the intense hammering of my heart. I could faintly hear Josh calling my name and felt him shaking my shoulder, but I could not focus on him. Jacob was dead. Sam is in hospital. It’s my fault.  

“Lola!” Josh said, shaking my shoulder. I was quickly brought back to reality and jumped out of bed, frantically trying to find some clothes to wear. I picked up my jeans and quickly pulled them on and grabbed a jumper of Josh’s and put it over my head. 

“Let’s go Josh, now!” I demanded impatiently. Josh picked up his wallet and pulled on some pants before grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. Together we ran as fast as we could, out his apartment, down the stairs and to his car. 

“Drive faster.” I pushed, once we had gotten onto the road.

“I’m already going over the speed limit, Lola.” Josh replied.

“Please, go faster.” I said, tearing up with the thought of Sam in hospital and what would happen to him once he got out.

“We’ve already got person dead and one person dying and we don’t need another to end up in hospital.” Josh said. Hurt and shocked I sunk back into the car seat and tried to hide the fact that I was crying. “I’m sorry, he’ll be fine, Lola. He’s not going to die. I’m sorry.” 

I nodded and wiped the tears away from my eyes and for the first time in many, many months I turned to god and said a silent prayer for Sam. 

A few minutes of silence later Josh turned into the hospital car park. I grabbed my handbag, opened the car door and sprinted with all my heart towards the doors of the intensive care unit. “WHERE IS HE?” I screamed, running through the doors. “WHERE IS SAM!” I yelled out.

“Lola?” A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around to see Miles standing beside Sam’s parents. I ran forward and grabbed his hand.

“Take me to him, now. Please.” I begged.

“He isn’t allowed visitors at the moment.” Miles said, his voice sad.

“TAKE ME TO HIM NOW!” I yelled, sobbing and trying to control my breathing. 

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