Prologue: Commencé

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As I sit in the cafe

The rains are falling heavily

The windows become foggy

The road became quiet

In the middle of jazz echoing around

The silence embraces me

He strokes my head with both coldness and affection

And for once I feel alive

As my americano left untouched

The cup and the liquid tortured by the temperature

And they breath became barely seen

As they turned cold

I've stared at the window long enough

In the glass reflections, I saw me

The withered flowers

The survivor

When it's not me anymore, the reflection's changed

I saw my family, my friends, my pet, my life

Anything and everything shows up in a quick motion

What have I become?

"You, " The silence said

"Demon" The brain answered

"Monster" The reflection turns out to be me again

"Beautiful Monster," I said

I took a pen and papers

As I wrote everything

Hope, despair, love, happiness

"The Monster's Legacy."

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