Deleted Scene #1

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So, you guys remember the first chapter after I finished my version of Descendants#2? Very first chapter after that? Where Ned came in detention with Ellie and tried to make her do his HW for her?

WELL. That wasn't always what was going to happen. 

The original storyline:


"Well, fancy seeing you in detention."

I groan and bang my head on the desk. "Why am I not surprised that Ned of Maldonia is in detention?"

He sits down next to me. I grab my bag to move, and he latches onto my wrist. "Don't move, Ells. I just want to talk."

"You. Just want to talk. Funny how you expect me to believe you." I snort. 

"Ellie. I'm serious."

I take a careful look at Ned. He doesn't seem to be joking. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his head, and his eyes are wide and scared. 

I sit back down slowly. "Fine. You're serious. What exactly did you want to talk about?"

"I---We---Argh." He lets go of me and buries his head in his hands. "I can't tell you. It's too hard to explain. I need to show you."

"Show me what, exactly?" I snap. 

He grabs my hand and pulls me out of my chair and starts to leave the room. 

"Wait! Ned, I can't just---"

"Ellie, I'm being completely serious!" He keeps dragging me out, and down the hallway. "You probably won't believe me, but I'm telling you, someone is out to get you!"

I wrench my hand out of his grip. "That's not a surprise, Ned. Half the Isle probably hates my guts!"

He grabs me again and keeps pulling. "No, not on the Isle! There's someone here!"

I stop. "What?"

He glares. "Let me show you. I'm serious!"

I glance back at Deley's room. And sigh. "Fine. Where?"


"So, when you said they were hidden," I gasp out, trying to hold my breath as long as possible. "I didn't think you meant in Shrek's old swamp. Didn't this place get closed down because it flooded?"

Ned waves the comment away. "Yeah. But recently people have been using it as a hideout if you don't want people to find you."

"And---" I huff when my foot gets stuck. Again. "And, where are they?"


"Ned, I'm warning you, if we don't get there in five minutes I'm turning around. I'm not going to keep walking through this stupid place for some made-up---"

Ned turns around and clamps a hand over my mouth. I glare hard at him but he just shakes his head and nods in the direction to the right of me. I glance over and see a tiny, run-down shack, well hidden. 

The window is lit up, with three shadows inside. 

See if you can guess who the characters inside are!

One person bangs their hand on a table. "You promised YESTERDAY!"

The second person, who sounds female but with a husky voice, brings her hand up to her face as if examining her nails. "Nah, I promised when it happened. You'll get yer prize, pirate."

"Yeah! Yeah! Huh-huh." Someone laughs. 


This is where I stopped, because I didn't know how to develop the scene further. I literally sat staring at my computer for ten minutes before giving up. 

(And because I realized I didn't like the idea of making Ned a good character.)


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