Deleted Scene #3

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This was Sera's FIRST coming back thing. Where I ORIGINALLY put her in, but decided it wasn't a Sera-y entrance quite yet. It's kinda short. It's set right after Ellie comes back after her year, and Carlos just kissed her, and they're going inside.


"I can't believe I'm back here." I mumble.

Caros smiles adorably at me. "Neither can I."

I laugh. "Well, at least you were waiting. I kinda expected everyone else to be here. Kinda disappointed, if I'm to be honest."

Carlos' smile turns a bit sneaky and a bit guilty. "Don't worry. They wanted to meet you too, but I had other plans."

"Oh? Did those plans include having my father murder you in your sleep because you just kissed his daughter?"

He goes white. "You don't think he'll---"

I crack up. "No, he won't. Don't worry. If he did, he'd have to face my wrath."

Carlos grins. "And your wrath is pretty terrifying."

"How would you know? You've never faced me in a fight!"

"Uh, I've watched you enough times to see how you fight, Ellie." He points out.

"Ohhh, so you watch me now?" I tease, receiving the red-face flush I expected.

"Uh---no--I meant---"

I snort, covering my mouth with one hand to hold the giggles back. "I'm kidding, you dork. For the record, I think it's good that Sera wasn't here to hear me say that. She's tease me and you endlessly."

I chew on my bottom lip, debating whether or not to dip my feet into this dangerous subject. "Is she...?"

Carlos sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. And avoiding my eyes.

My heart feels  like it's dropping. "Oh."

Carlos notices and pulls me in for a hug. "Brit says she should be up soon though. And maybe you can work your awesome magic to get her back somehow."

"Carlos, you don't honestly think I can do something like that." I sigh. "I'm Ice Queen, remember?"

"Yeah, you are." He pulls back and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. "But you're also Ellie. Daughter of the freaking death god. And the Snow Queen. And pretty much the most amazing girl on earth."

My heart pulls back into place. 

"Awww, ya guys are so cute!" I hear behind me, and I freeze up as Carlos' eyes travel behind me and grow wider than plates. I turn slowly and see a girl in black-and-red leather, with red braids wound into her raven hair, glinting like her red-brown eyes in the light.

She grins. "Don't let me ruin the moment, y'all. Carlie is waaaaay more interestin' than stupid lil' me!"

"S-s-se....ser....a..." Carlos gapes. "Brit said---"

Sera waves her hand. "I know, I wasn't s'posed to wake up for another month'r so. BUT---" She spreads her hands wide. "I felt Carlie reuniting! And I had tuh come back for y'all! Who else would tease ya?"

and here is where I realized this wasn't Sera, really. I was kinda forcing it. So I stopped...and left her until Wide Awake Princess (Of Sarcastic Violence). I'm glad I did, because her entrance THERE was DEFINITELY Sera. 

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