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I haven't updated this in a while lol 

Anyway. I'm rereading Ellie right now and I just remembered who Endora originally was supposed to end up with at the end. 


Those two had chemistry, and I threw it away for boring Hans Jr and Chad. UGH. I wish I could go back and change that. Honestly I wish I could go back and change a LOT about those books. Younger me had some weird thoughts and ideas for the book, and I don't agree with a lot of them now. 

But Maira and Endora are the one I'm maddest about right now. I wish I'd had them end up together. They're sweet and balance nicely with each other's sass. 

I have all straight couples in my books and that's something I really regret because younger me didn't really think about it very much. I think representation is important and I wish I'd shown that back then. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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