WICKED WORLD: Episodes 2 and 4

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Heads up---some episodes would make ZERO sense with Ellie in them, so I'm going to be skipping around a bit. This starts mid-way through chapter two. 

Also---each chapter will be multiple episodes scrunched into one chapter, since each episode is like two minutes at most. 

I think that's everything.

Oh, right---Ellie's hair is pure white here. No blue. Just white. 


"Hey, Ben." Tucking my white hair behind my ears, I jog a bit to catch up with him. He turns and smiles. 

"Hey, Ellie. You coming to look at the tents for Hero and Heroine festival?"

"Well, currently one in particular." I hold my phone out, showing him Mal's picture of Audrey with green goop all over her, and Evie and Mal standing behind her. "Audrey's on a rampage. I wanted to warn Mal."

Ben laughs. "Funny. We're both going to the same place!"

"Coincidence." I agree. "Do you know which one is hers?"

Ben's gaze focuses on something up ahead. "Probably that one." he points to a purple tent with a blue banner that messily reads Mal's Do-it-Yourself

I snort. "How did I miss that? C'mon." We head towards the tent, where I can hear loud spraying sounds that is either Evie attacking Mal with hairspray, or Mal using spray paint. 

Most likely the latter. Although you never know with Evie. 

Ben ducks in first, me following quickly. "Hey, Mal." Ben greets. "You busy?"

"Yeah." Mal answers without turning around. "I'm in the zone."

"Can you de-zone?" Ben asks.

"Not a word. But, I will forgive you because you are cute." She sends a smirk his way. "But not cute enough to make me lose my focus. Oh, hey Ellie." She says as she notices me.

"Hi." I wave. 

Mal turns back to her painting. "There's been a bit of an...incident."

"Hmm." I pull out my phone. "You mean this?"

"Your digimage." Ben supplies. 

"That's definitely not a word." Mal says, still not facing us. 

"Your digital image? Digimage." Ben says with finger quotes. 

"Still not a word." Mal finally turns to us. 

I roll my eyes and hold out my phone. "This."

Mal takes it, reading aloud. "Mal's a princess, all right. A princess-in-waiting to mess up! Hashtag princess-aster?"

"That's trending, by the way." I tell her, taking my phone back. 

Mal laughs. "Okay, my people may be evil, but what you Auradon kids are doing to the English language is cruel."

"It's more Audrey than the rest of us." I mutter. Ben laughs. 

"Not to worry about Audrey, though." Mal says, turning back to her painting. "I will make it up to her by posting this wicked portrait of her as her favorite heroine."

I glance at it, slightly surprised to see she's painted Audrey wearing her mom's signature pink dress. 

"Her mom." Ben observes. "Maleficent's daughter painting Sleeping Beauty's daughter as Sleeping Beauty, is supposed to help your dig image?"

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