Ellie Originally Already HAD a Boyfriend

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Carlie was always going to be a thing. But ORIGINALLY, Ellie was dating CHAD. That's right! I originally had Ellie as this popular, up-there-with-Audrey girl whom everyone loved. 

the original storyline was that Chad was dating Ellie, and Ellie was completely lovestruck, but then found out he was cheating on her with Rapunzel's ORIGINAL daughter, Ramona. Ellie found out because she accidentally switched her phone with Chad's after going on a date to the movies, and kept getting texts from Ramona bad-mouthing Ellie. It's one of the reasons Ellie was going to be so against Evie liking Chad, and so easily turned when the VK's asked her to join them. 

But then I read another fan fiction where the same thing happened to the main character, Holly. And I decided I wanted to be original (and lay off reading fanfics until I'd finished my own) so I cut it. Plus, Ramona was a jerky character, and I didn't really enjoy having Ellie connected to Chad that way. 

BUT---here was the original scene of Ellie's finding out about Chad before I decided I hated it! They'd just finished their date, Chad is saying goodbye, and Ellie returns to her dorm room, where she starts receiving texts, realizes it's not her phone, and hacks it to find... Stuff. 



Chad stops his car by the dorm entrance, putting it into park before turning to me with a smug smirk on his face. "Well. Here's your stop, El."

"I had a good time tonight, Chad." I smile, feeling my normal giddiness rush to my face in a blush I hate but Chad promises is cute. 

"So did I." He answers. Then he unlocks his seatbelt, exiting the car in a swift motion. I barely have time to unlock mine before he's at the passenger's side, opening my door for me.

I smile to myself, getting out and taking his offered hand. "Ever the gentleman." I comment, laughing when he smirks and bows, kissing my hand as it's still held in his own. 

"Goodnight, my Lady." he teases, coming up with my hand still in his. "I'll see you tomorrow. Text me before you come over, though, okay? My mom likes to trap my girlfriends and take pictures."

I make a face. "That's fine with me. I look awful in pictures."

He laughs, pulling me close and putting his free hand on my face, tracing my jawline with his thumb. "How'd I end up with a girlfriend as..." He mumbles, stopping to kiss me. Giddiness rushes through me instantly, just like it does every single time. I'm even so pathetic that I'm counting them, since our first one. This one makes one-hundred-twenty-four. 

Chad doesn't finish the sentence, breaking back and sighing, letting go of my hand to look at his watch. "I'm going to miss curfew."

"Go." I urge, taking the hand that's still on my cheek and gently pushing him away. "The last thing I want is to get you grounded before the big game Friday."

"You're the best." Chad says, brushing my hair behind my ear and kissing me one last time---125---before racing back to his car and driving away. 

I put my hand up to my mouth, feeling the stupid smile on my face. Agh, I can't believe I still make that face whenever I'm around my boyfriend. 

I watch Chad's car drive back toward his hotel (aka, his mom's rented-out place so he doesn't have to stay in the dorms) and turn around unsteadily, wobbling back toward my dorm room on the heels I wear every time I'm around Chad Charming. I hate them, but Chad gave them (and an entire new wardrobe that he claims I look amazing in) for Christmas last year. 

As quietly as I can, I unlock the door to mine and Jane's dorm room, entering to the near-black with only Jane's nightlight to guide me to my bed. I drop my purse onto the floor, flopping onto my bed with a happy sigh. 

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