Chapter 15

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Erra's PoV:
It hurts. It hurts so much. It hurts so much it's numb. It's so numb. It hurts. But I can't let them know. I can't let dad know. He's already stressed out so much. I open my eyes to see Jonathan sleeping in the bed next to mine. I get up slowly wincing in pain as I walk towards the door. Keeping myself close to the wall as I walk towards the door.
I opened it slightly, just enough so that I could see through it. Once I knew that the coast was clear I walked out shutig the door of the infirmary as quitly as I could. "What are you doing not in bed?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I jump a bit and turned around to see Jasper. "I could ask you the same thing" I tell him.
"Dad wont sleep...." I felt a bit of guilt in my gut I felt like it was my fault. "Encre, Me, and Suave have been trying everything to-" I didnt hear the rest of what he said as I started running up the stairs to Fallacy's room. "Erra!" I hear Jasper yell behind me but I kept running ingoring the pain in my back. What the hell is he doing? I thought to myself. We all need him to be rested if the mortals ever attack. I then stopp for a moment. Maybe thats why he's awake. Waitig for them to- I shook my head and continued running. I heard many footsteps behind me. Jasper probably woke up Johnathan and the maids. Still I kept running.
When I made it to Dad's room a busted open the door. I saw a exhausted Suave, Encre, and Fallacy turn their heads to look at me. Suave opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off before he could say anything. "Go. The. FUCK. To. SLEEP." I yelled as loud as I could though my voice was hoarse and raspy. Fallacy got up from his chair and stared at me with tired yet angry eyes. "Erra you should be-"
"SO SHOULD YOU BASTERD, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU UP SO LATE YOU NEED REST TOO ASSHOLE." they all just stared wide-eyed. I heard the footsteps behind me stop in the middle of the hallway. I didnt care about them right now. "I've gotten enough rest from being in the infimary for over many weeks!" I lowered my voice a bit as my throat started to hurt. My back was that numbness again. The numbness that hurts. It reminds me that I can't fly anymore. I feel tears escape from my eyes. When did I start to cry. I took a couple breaths as Fallacy speaks again. "Erra you need to stay in the infimary until you get better!!" He also lowerd his voice but it still had that angry tone. " I WILL NEVER GET BETTER!!!" Then the tears kept streaming down my face. I saw Fallacy's face go soft but I kept yelling ignoring my throat thats begging me to stop. " YOU AND JASPER DONT KNOW WHAT IM GOING THROUGH, AND HOW MUCH IT HURTS." Stop. "YOU GUYS WILL BE ABLE TO FLY AROUND WHILE IM STUCK HERE ON THE GROUND WATCHING." It hurts. "YOU ARE ALL SO HAPPY WHILE I FEEL LIKE ABSOLUTE SHIT!" Please..... " AND I HATE MYSELF SO MUCH" Im sorry...... " KNOWING THAT IM PUTTING YOU ALL THROUGH THIS!" Its my fault... "I WAS MY IDEA TO GET YOU AND ENCRE TOGETHER!" Why.... "IF....." Why..... "If...." Why me.... My thoat finally gave in and wouldnt let me speak anymore. I dont deserve you guys.... I kept my eyes closed not wanting to open them. I didn't want to see their disgusted faces. Then I felt something, well someone, pull me into a hug from behind me. I opened them to see them all staring at me. Encre was covering his mouth with tears on the erge to pour out. Fallacy just stood their wide-eyed. Suave was looking away so I couldn't see his face. I then realized that the person hugging me was Jonathan. He then opened his mouth and spoke.

(700 words.
Sorry i couldn't get past 1000 words this time I ran out of ideas after that last bit so have a short chapter.
Also a question for you guys:
What do you think Johnathan will say?
Well catch y'all in the next chapter Bye)

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