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Taeyong glanced at his phone to check the time as he stumbled back to his cabin. It read 1:24 am. He brushed his hand along the hallway to keep himself steady, counting the numbers once again on the cabin doors.

Twice tonight already he had walked down the hallway the wrong way. It was confusing enough to find his way around the maze of cabin hallways while sober, but tonight Taeyong had managed to drink quite a few cocktails with Mark and Johnny at the Piranha Bar. They had decided to sample as many of the cocktails as they could between the three of them before hitting the dance floor and he was well and truly feeling it now.

By a little after 1:00 am Taeyong knew he was finished for the night as the world spun when he stood up too fast. Mark probably should have gone back to the cabins too but he wasn't ready to turn in for the night, so he'd stayed back with Johnny. Taeyong had laughed when he noticed Mark had to hold onto Johnny's arm to keep himself upright.

An array of liquors warmed his body and dulled his senses so everything seemed smoothed over with an airbrush as he continued to stumble haphazardly down the hallways. He hiccuped up a small burp and giggled to himself.

He stopped at a door that looked familiar to him and then he giggled again, they all look the same silly. On closer inspection the number 12089 floated hazily on the door. Finally, he thought. He shoved a hand into his pocket, searching for his cruise card. He felt the small piece of plastic between his fingers and pulled it out but fumbled in his drunken state and the card fell to the floor.

Slowly and keeping his hands steady on the door, he slid down into a squat. It was then that he felt a warm hand on his back as he reached down to grab the card. He watched curiously as an arm came from behind him and picked up his cruise card. The warm hand on his back then helped him up into a standing position.

Taeyong turned to lean against the door. He stared right into Ten's warm brown eyes and his heart thumped in his chest. So handsome, he thought shamelessly as his smile grew.

"You look like you've had a good night." Ten said warmly. He kept a hand on Taeyong's shoulder to keep him steady, much to Taeyong's enjoyment.

"Hey Ten. Oh! I got some really good photos of the sunset. Here, I'll show you." Taeyong told Ten as he fumbled in his pocket for his phone.

"That's great. Why don't we get you inside first and then you can show me." Ten suggested.

"Okay." Taeyong replied happily. Ten's warm smile was making him feel all warm and fluttery inside, something he was quite content to feel at the moment.

He leaned into Ten as he put his arm around him, unlocked the cabin door and steered him inside and into a sitting position on the bed.

Taeyong stared at Ten the entire time, he wanted to memorize every part of his face. His almond shaped eyes, his slight ski-slope nose and his soft pink lips. He craved to touch him and to feel how soft Ten's lips really were.

He shouldn't. He would probably just make a fool of himself. Ten wouldn't be interested in him like that, or would he? Taeyong was drunk anyway. Maybe Ten would just think he got flirty when he was drunk, maybe he should just try...

Taeyong licked his lips and lifted his hand to touch Ten's cheek who sat on the bed next to him.

"So, show me this photo of yours." Ten said, cutting through Taeyong's drunken desire, his hand stalled halfway in the air.

"Oh, yeah." Taeyong blinked and reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He opened up his gallery and showed Ten his photos of tonight's sunset, who shuffled a bit closer to see them.

"Wow! Taeyong these are beautiful. You really have an eye for photography." Ten breathed as he flicked back and forth through the photos.

"Really? Thanks." Taeyong beamed.

Ten looked up from the phone and into Taeyong's eyes. He was so close, Taeyong would only need to lean in to kiss him.

"Are you up for another round of drinks at all? I could get us some Champagne from the bar." Ten suggested with a keen smile.

Taeyong stared at Ten. He wanted to drink with him and hang out with him, so that meant that he liked him at least a little right? Warmth spread through his chest as he gazed silently at Ten.

"That is, if you're happy for me to keep you company?" Ten asked with his head tilted slightly, looking unsure.

"O-of course!" Taeyong quickly replied, nodding his head eagerly and shifting closer to Ten.

Ten smiled at his response. "Excellent. Do you prefer dry or sweet Champagne?"

Mediterranean Kiss ~ TaetenWhere stories live. Discover now