Make a Splash

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"I can't believe you two." Mark repeated. "You were trying to hide this spot from us!"

Wait what? Taeyong thought in confusion.

Luckily, Ten was quick to counter. "Haha, sorry about that guys." He replied with a cheeky smile.

"Oh, you will be!" Mark yelled. He threw off his shirt and leapt into the pool, splashing Ten and Taeyong with water in the process. He surfaced with a devilish grin on his face and started swimming over to Ten.

With Mark coming for him, Ten dragged Taeyong back into the water and hid behind him, snaking his arms around Taeyong's waist and resting his chin on his shoulder.

"Sorry Mark! I was going to share it with you guys too, you just looked like you were having so much fun at the beach." Ten lied with a sweet smile. Under the water, he stroked his fingers along Taeyong's stomach just above his shorts.

Taeyong flinched at Ten's touch. He was fighting internally with his feelings. On one hand he wanted to be close to Ten, and revelled in their skin on skin contact; on the other his friend's opinions mattered, yet he wasn't ready to tell them. He felt relieved that Mark had missed the mark completely.

Mark splashed them again as he came to a stop in front of them. "Don't lie to me, just look at you playing favourites with Taeyong!"

"I don't know what you mean." Ten replied, flashing Mark an innocent smile before nuzzling his face against Taeyong's shoulder.

"Ten, come on." Taeyong whispered under his breath. He tried to pry Ten's hands from his body, but Ten only held onto him tighter. He was beginning to feel as though maybe Mark would actually figure out what was going on between them.

He glanced over to Johnny, trying to tell what he was thinking. Johnny gave him a small smile as he pulled out his hair tie. His black hair fell over his eyes and he shook it out of the way before leaping into the pool. He surfaced close to Mark and clasped a hand over his mouth.

"You're so loud Mark," Johnny complained, keeping a firm grip on him as he wriggled and tried to get away, his protests muffled by Johnny's hand. "By the way, what time do we need to be back on the ship?" He asked.

"Hmm, I think it's 4pm. The last shuttle boat leaves from the old port at 3:30." Ten replied.

Johnny released Mark from his grip, who shot him a betrayed look before asking Ten, "So what's the time now?"

"Hold on, I'll have a look." Ten responded. He let go of Taeyong and swam to the edge, pushing himself out of the pool. He picked up his phone to check the time and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Ah, guys it's already 3pm. We better get going." Ten said. Picking up a blue beach towel, he started to dry himself off.

"What? Already?" Mark exclaimed.

They all got out of the pool to dry off and get going. Ten threw Taeyong a towel, before putting his t-shirt back on. Once they were ready to go, Ten locked the gate and hid the key back under the little rock next to the fence.

"How about a race back down through town to the port?" Ten suggested with a grin. "Me and Taeyong versus you and Johnny." He said to Mark.

Mark pulled a face at him. "That's not fair though; you know Mykonos better than us."

"What? Do you not think you can beat me?" Ten replied with a confident smile, egging Mark on.

Crossing his arms, Mark countered back, "Of course I can."

"Okay then, let's go." Ten replied, getting down into a starting position.

Not playing fair though, Mark was already off and running down the road. "SEE YA!" He yelled.

Johnny let out a laugh and shook his head as he started running after him. Taeyong's smile grew as he watched his buddies sprinting down the hill, shouting and laughing. Then he felt soft lips on his cheek and a hand clasped his and pulled him forward.

"Come on Tae, or they'll beat us!" Ten said, smiling back at him.

Taeyong ran down the road after Ten, hand clasped tightly in his, as they raced to catch up with the others.

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