Waiting for 11pm

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The hours were slowly ticking by, but not fast enough for Taeyong. He was, however, being greatly entertained by Mark and Johnny's antics at the pool bar on deck thirteen. Thankfully, none of the staff seemed to mind their rowdiness as they drank at a round table close to the bar.

"Come on Taeyong, have another drink! You've been sitting on that one for ages now!" Mark yelled cheerily, slapping the table with enthusiasm. His cheeks were flushed red and his lips were set in a very wide grin.

"I'm good with this one Mark." Taeyong chuckled. He wanted to keep his senses tonight to make sure he would remember everything. It would just be disappointing if he woke up in the morning next to Ten without having any memory of lying in his arms... or whatever else they might end up doing. Heat flowed through his body at the thought and he cast that idea to the back of his mind, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Yeah Taeyong, have a mojito, they're so tasty!" Johnny said in agreement. He downed the rest of his glass and slammed it down onto the table. "Another round?" he asked Mark with a devilish smile.

Mark extended his arms in the air with his hands balled into fists. "Hell yes, Johnny."

Johnny went to get up from his seat to order more drinks but Mark pushed him lightly back with his hand on his chest. "No, no, no, I'll go get them." He said with a blissful smile.

Taeyong watched, cringing internally, as Mark slowly got out of his chair, wobbling a bit on his feet. He started walking over to the bar, but suddenly swung back to face them.

"What did you want again Johnny?" He asked, ruffling his hair.

"Uh..." Johnny mused.

"Never mind, it'll be a surprise." Mark winked, then skipped happily over to the bar. He came back a short time later, his hands empty. "They're gonna bring our drinks over in a minute." Mark stated.

Probably a good idea, Taeyong thought, feeling as though Mark would just spill them everywhere in his current state.

"Ooh Taeyong!" Mark piped up, suddenly remembering something. "Look, Johnny and I got matching bracelets today." He smiled, thrusting his arm out in front of him, proudly showing the bracelet to Taeyong, while he continued to sway on his feet.

It was a light brown fabric style, with blue beads that had eyes on them. Taeyong remembered seeing the eye symbol everywhere around the little Greek Island. It was a mati if he remembered correctly, to ward of evil and curses.

"Have you still got your's on Johnny?" Mark asked.

He went to grab Johnny's arm but tripped over his legs and fell on top of him. Johnny lifted his head just as Mark was falling and his lips connected with Mark's for a second. Both their eyes went wide as they stared at each other.

"Did we just kiss?" Mark whispered in astonishment.

"Uh..." Johnny was turning red, too shocked to speak or move.

Taeyong, having witnessed all this, couldn't contain his laughter anymore. "Yes! Yes you definitely did kiss. I saw it myself." He said between fits of laughter.

Mark's hand flew to his lips. Then remembering he was still on top of Johnny, he scrambled off him and slouched down into his own chair looking very embarrassed.

"Th-that was an accident." Mark huffed. He crossed his arms and looked in the opposite direction of Johnny, suddenly looking a lot more sober than before.

"Y-yeah." Johnny agreed quietly. He pulled his chair closer to the table but kept casting glances towards Mark. A horrible silence hung in the air between them.

Taeyong cleared his throat loudly. "Come on guys, stop being so cute and embarrassed. So you kissed each other, think of it as just a kiss of affection between friends." He chuckled.

A bartender then arrived with their drinks. Taeyong grabbed them and pushed them towards his friends. "Here, have some more alcohol." He said with a grin.

They both took their glasses. Johnny took one look at his then decided to chug it down in one go. Mark slowly sipped at his and seemed to sink lower into his seat, as if he wanted to disappear.

There was a loud squeak as Johnny scrapped his chair back and stood up. He ran his fingers through his hair as he glanced at Mark, who was still carefully avoiding eye contact.

"Taeyong, let's go and dance." Johnny declared, looking down at him with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah- ah actually," Taeyong began as he checked his phone for the time. "I think I might head back to the cabin now actually."

It was 10:40pm, Ten would be arriving soon, and by the looks of it Mark and Johnny needed to talk about their little kiss earlier. Taeyong didn't know why they were making such a big deal about an accidental kiss, but whatever their reasons, they needed to sort it out together.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow morning!" Taeyong said, waving at them as he walked away, leaving Johnny to stand there with a stunned look on his face. Taeyong was sure that they would sort everything out; they'd been very close friends for years now.

Taeyong pushed thoughts of his friends out of his mind and thought about Ten. His heart began beating faster as he walked back to his cabin, eager to see Ten again.

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