Goodbye Kisses

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"I'm really happy with how your foot is healing Johnny. When you get back to Seoul, book in another check-up and your stitches shouldn't need to be in for much longer." The doctor advised after he checked Jonny's cut one final time before they departed.

It was 9.10am in the morning on the day that Taeyong would be flying back to Seoul with his friends, signalling the end of their Mediterranean cruise vacation.

"Thanks Doctor." Johnny replied. "Do you need these back?" He asked, indicating to the crutches.

"No, keep them with you for now. I have arranged for a taxi to pick you up outside and someone will come down with you to bring the crutches back." The doctor said with a gentle smile.

"Wow, thank you!" Johnny responded, bowing thankfully.

"It's no problem." The doctor chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

Taeyong, Johnny and Mark then left and made their way up to the seventh floor.

"Before we leave I want to go to the photo gallery. I know there should be a few photos of us that I haven't gotten yet." Mark stated.

"Okay," Taeyong replied. "You go ahead, I'm going to find Ten."

"No problem, come on Johnny." Mark said, latching on to Johnny's jacket sleeve and tugging it gently. "We won't be long Tae, meet you at the Flamenco bar?" He asked.

Taeyong nodded. "Yes, I'll meet you guys there."

Taeyong walked off in the opposite direction to his friends, knowing that the handsome man he was looking for would be somewhere nearby.

After walking around the hallways for a little bit he soon spotted him and couldn't wipe the smile from his face as Ten approached him sporting a beautiful grin and his arms wide, ready to wrap him up in a warm hug.

Ten had to work today but he had still managed to make time to see Taeyong, promising him last night that he would see them off and shower him in as many kisses as possible. And indeed he did.

He kissed Taeyong's lips and then both his cheeks as he wrapped his arms around him, making Taeyong giggle at his cute affection.

"Good morning handsome. Are you all ready to go?" Ten asked him while he played with his hair.

"Yes, our suitcases are all packed and outside our cabins and we're ready to go." Taeyong replied.

Ten looked past him, his eyes searching for his other two friends.

"Where are they?" He asked.

"Oh, they're at the photo gallery looking for pictures of us." Taeyong explained.

Ten nodded. "So how are they then?" He asked.

He hooked an arm around Taeyong's waist and they began walking down the hallway.

"They're good. Not one hundred percent, but good." Taeyong responded. "At least that means there'll be no awkwardness on the flight home anyway."

"I think Johnny just needs time to figure everything out." Ten said.

"Yeah." Taeyong agreed.

They reached the Flamenco bar, a red cabaret themed bar at the stern of the ship and also the meeting point for those on board disembarking for the final time.

Taeyong had read through the disembarking information last night and it had said that once the ship was moored at the port in Venice, numbers would be announced and passengers would be able to leave when their number was called.

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