6. Private Business

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Chapter dedicated to Rushda_07 Please check out her story The Bicycle Ride. It's sweet, meaningful and based in Maldives!

 It's sweet, meaningful and based in Maldives!

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Hi all, I've slowed down updates because it's Ramadan. They'll be back on schedule after Eid in shaa Allah.

Edit: I published this chapter three days ago, but I just noticed that it got unpublished on its own. I'm assuming it's a glitch from Wattpad. So if you've already read this chapter once, ignore it. This is the same old thing I posted previously. Sorry for the notification again.

Dahlia Ahmad squinted her eyes under sunglasses, momentarily forgetting the shades that were protecting them from the harsh glare of the sun anyway.

She sighed deeply and leaned back on her chair, wiping a bead of sweat trickling down her neck under her hijab. The day was same as it had been for the past week - weak winds with a scorching sun.

It was too hot for anyone to be out. Dahlia wouldn't have been out either, but there she was, sitting like an idiot on her patio, with a scarf covering her head and shades over eyes in her OWN backyard, all because she was tired of her mother complaining that she spent every second of her life in her bed.

Dahlia argued that she didn't spend every moment in bed. She got out of it occasionally to go to the bathroom, pray and say hello to the twins. The look she received from her Mom clamped her mouth shut and sent her back to her room.

Dahlia exhaled exasperatedly again.

She was getting tired of everyone complaining about her lack of job. Her relatives were constantly asking her what her next plans were.

Dahlia believed she deserved a break. She graduated from University just a little less than a year ago and spent nineteen years of her life before that giving exams, burying herself in books, worrying about the future; so now Dahlia just wanted to spend a little time sipping mocktails with her girl friends, staying up late with her sisters and reading as many books as she possibly could until she had to worry again about the next phase of her life.

But her family just didn't get it. So here she was, in her backyard, trying to pretend like she was actually doing something like gardening or whatever just to get them off her back.

Dahlia lost track of how long she sat in that chair. She did it until she couldn't take the heat any longer. When she went inside her house she saw that her mother was still in the kitchen.

Dahlia knew if she now nestled on one of the living room sofas or took the stairs to go to her bedroom, her mother's judgmental eyes would follow her every move.

So instead, she grabbed her cell phone and sauntered out their front door. She got into the car and asked their family chauffer to take her to their grandmother's.

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