author's note

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Assalamu 'Alaikum/Hello! Hope you all are home, healthy and safe.

I started this series back in 2015. If you have followed me for a while you know I have been working on these characters - on and off - for several years.

Back in 2017, the idea for this particular book started brewing in my head. At that time, I was itching to write stories about my own culture and society. I was also looking forward to doing a classics retelling.

I wrote this book at a time when I was in serious need of some social life lol. Coincidentally, I started posting it at a time when the whole world felt the same way - during lockdown. The story lacks basic planning and the earlier chapters contain a lot of weak dialogues. It's a lot of mindless banter and and at times, silly and cringey scenes.

This book doesn't reflect my caliber as an author anymore. I consider myself to be a much more seasoned writer now and my writing style has drastically changed too.

I think of this book as the vacation you take to get your mind of an exhausting week. My readers say it is quite the mood-lifter so take it for what it is - a super fun read.

Regardless, younger me poured her heart and soul into this book. I had the best time writing and posting it on Wattpad, I hope you do too!

 I had the best time writing and posting it on Wattpad, I hope you do too!

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*Important Read*

This is technically the second installment in a series. The first book is about Ibrahim and Malika. You don't need to read that book to understand this one. I will try to keep the two books as separate as possible but I would recommend you go through the series in the order it was meant to be read. For those of who you came here from The Golden Girl, my earnest request is to keep the comments section spoiler free so that first time readers can enjoy the series as you did.

This is a culture-focused story. I write what I see so you'll find a lot of non-practising Muslims in this book. And even the people who have Taqwa will be on different stages of Iman. Please keep in mind a lot of the characters' actions and mindset are influenced by their culture and what is deemed acceptable by their society.

The books are set in Chittagong, the port city of Bangladesh. However, the schools and names of neighborhoods are mostly fictional.

Special note: Neela Bashir is NOT Neela from Sapphire. The two characters just happen to share the same name.

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