28. Statute of Limitation

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you guys are not going to like this chapter lol.

Farrah Hussein waited for Salman Bashir to show up.

She had been waiting for him for a good ten minutes. She kept shaking her leg, glancing at the watch on her right wrist constantly. Her mother, Rani, was already inside and socializing with her peers. But her fiancé was yet to make an appearance.

Farrah let out a sigh, her patience was starting to wear thin. To make matters worse, Salman wasn't picking up his phone. She had barely seen him in the last couple of weeks. She couldn't remember the last time she was able to have a proper conversation with him.

She tried to take deep breaths to let go of her vexations. Tonight was a big deal to her. She was at the driveway of Saira's - her Supervisor - house. This was the first work-party Farrah was invited to, and she was the only intern to get the privilege. It was a well known fact that the intern that received the invitation to Saira's annual get together was the one who always earned a permanent position with the company.

Headlights illuminated the driveway and Salman's car appeared through the gate. Farrah's eyes followed him as he looked for a spot in the crowded parking lot, watching him through the haze of drizzling rain that hinted at a storm to havoc soon.

"Hey, Teddy," he said the moment his eyes landed on her.

He sprinted through the rain, that bright smile crossing his face as he made his way. Farrah tightened her jaw with each step he took.

Seeing the look in her face, his smile subsided.

"Sorry?" he said, tilting his head adorably, eyes blinking with confusion.

Farrah let out a groan, twirled on her feet and lead the way. Salman caught up to her soon but minimal words were exchanged between them after.

There was good food, rich drinks and plenty of intellectual talks going around the party.

Farrah's evening was spent attempting to find her place with the crowd. She was lingering around random circles, nodding enthusiastically during discussions, and failed to add any value to the debates going on.

Soon, she receded towards the back, away from the people and closer to the walls. Her eyes found Salman. He had a large crowd circled around him, no doubt all people he had just met. He was retelling stories from high school and University, his eyes sparkling with mirth and that crooked smile constant on his face. The people around were buckling with laughter.

"Some people are just blessed with an abundance of natural charm, aren't they?" a voice mused besides her. She looked up to see Rashid Osmani staring at her fiancé with amusement in his eyes.

Farrah let out a sigh. "He just knows how to romanticize his stories," she replied in a neutral tone.

Rashid Osmani lowered his head and smiled at her. "He must be a joy to accompany to parties."

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