35. Till next time

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Rani Hussain smiled at the camera.

"Shift a little to the right. Yes, yes perfect," Farrah instructed. Once satisfied with the position, she pressed click and then straightened up to check the photo.

"How did it come out?"

"Beautiful," Farrah said, looking up to grin at her mother.

Rani beamed. "C'mon, I want to take some more photos with those roses." she was already striding towards her mini garden.

It was a beautiful day outside. Farrah and Rani had decided to take a stroll in the area surrounding their house. The sun was casting a golden glow over their city, yet the remnants of winter prevented it from getting too cold.

Farrah snapped a couple more pictures. Rani's poses started getting more outrageous with each picture. At one point, she cupped a flower in her right hand, then she looked at the sky while she grazed her cheek with her other hand. Farrah actually burst out laughing.

"What?" Rani asked indignantly. "That's how we did it in my days."

"Remind me to email the photos to Dad." She shook her head, chuckling.

"Speaking of your Dad," Rani started tentatively, sneaking a glance at her. "He's free next weekend and wants to go out for a family dinner."

Farrah's intestines squirmed uncomfortably, but she nodded regardless. She turned her face away from her as she didn't want Rani to see her discomfort. "I remember. I already said I'll go, Mom," she added.

"I know," Rani replied. "Just reminding you again."

The thought of spending time with her father was still an unpleasant thought for Farrah. She had made the effort to extend an olive branch to him and they did make up. Farrah even took the time to apologize for her behaviour. No matter what, he was her parent, and she had no right to be disrespectful to him. She had graciously accepted when he said sorry in return. They were in cordial terms, but she still couldn't see herself getting close to him.

Maybe perhaps if someday he was willing to open up his mind and let loose of his toxic traditions, they could be on friendlier terms. But for now, she had to put up some restrictions on how much she let him in her life in order to protect her heart and mental peace.

She realized Rani was staring at her and looked up. "What?" Farrah asked.

"It's good to see you with your camera again, Farrah," she said, voice suddenly thick with emotion. "I like how happy you look with it."

Farrah let out a deep breath and smiled at her again. "I feel good. I don't even remember the last time I had touched this," she said, looking down at the camera in her hand.

"That boy had such a negative affect on you." Rani's face turned grim.

Farrah looked up, conflict appearing in her eyes. "You're right," she agreed. "He did have a negative affect on me. However, I don't like to place blame entirely on him, Mom." She shook her head. "Not the way you do."

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