14. ...and Sinking Ships

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Salman Bashir looked up at the Fayyad residence. The Azan for Maghrib was echoing throughout the city, basking the large house with Greek columns in a peachy glow, the plain white building with large French doors now resembling a golden mansion from fairytales.

He entered the house and weaved through the familiar crowd. Salman found his boys soon, his friends and cousins huddled in one corner of the house. He went to join them, sitting down besides Raad on a sofa.

"Has anyone seen Kaveh?" he asked.

There was a murmur of denials and shakings of heads.

"He sat with us for a while but then disappeared," Raad replied.

Someone placed a plate on his hands with an atrocious amount of food and Salman broke his fast. The boys were still hanging out when two girls sauntered past them. Salman's brown eyes twinkled with recognition as he saw Farrah's face.

"Aye, Fatty!" Fardin cried out.

"Still eating, I see," one of the other guys snickered.

The girls shot them looks filled with annoyance and despise. Layla huffed in disgust.

His friends broke out in laughter at their own comments.

"If you can still dare to eat with that dad-gut, I think Fari's good," Layla retorted as they walked away.

The guys whooped and cheered. They chuckled harder at their friend's stumped face. "She burned you good, Fardin," one of them cried while clapping his back.

"I heard Fatty's becoming your sister-in-law soon?" someone asked Raad.

The smile in Salman's face faded. "It's just talks," he quickly added. "It's probably not even going to proceed any further than that."

"Yeah, my parents were just thinking about it," Raad agreed.

Some of the guys got up and headed towards the door. "We are going out for a smoke, wanna join?" one of his cousins asked him.

Salman shook his head, annoyance appearing on his face. "You know I'm trying to quit."

"The Sasquatch has done quite a number on you." Fardin shook his head with disappointment and left.

Salman and Raad got up themselves to pray. His eyes swept over the crowd again in search of Kaveh, but there was no trace of his best friend. The guys went to Kaveh's bedroom and prayed. When Salman returned to the living room, someone placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Come with me," Ibrahim Ahmad whispered ferociously in his ear and grabbed his arm.

Before Salman could wrap his mind around what was happening, the Sasquatch clutched both his shoulders and spun him around. Salman blinked and realized he was facing almost the entirety of their society's uncles.

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