2. Progress and weird love

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Words take me on journeys that have never required a map.
~unknown source quote


It was a few minutes after, that I was able to move my feet and recover from the previous shock. I went to my room and sat down.

I decided to shower first and then scrutinize the ticket and the catalog carefully.

Shower felt unnecessarily long today although it was refreshing. I took time untangling the knots of my dirty bronze hair. Not to brag, but I love my hair. I like it short. It reaches just above my shoulders in messy spikes.
I'm satisfied with my body too although I'm not too keen about my protruding collar bones.
I thought only vampires had the ability to change eye colour, but apparently, not. I had crystal grey eyes as a child which slowly turned into bluish grey.

Anyways, I got out of the shower finally and sat on my bed once I dried myself. I changed into my only pair of blue pyjamas and snuggled in bed. I flipped through the catalogue eagerly. Mauritius seemed magical. I had heard the name of Mauritius but I didn't really know where it was. I just knew it was an island. A beautiful island. I did some searching and found that it was located in the Indian Ocean but was a part of France. (*correct my lack of knowledge*)
I checked dates of departure....

Wait...no no no no


I haven't even prepared myself for the trip yet. Jordan doesn't even know about it. I have to buy clothes. Fast.

Okay. Calm the heck down Cass, there is still time to think it through.

Tomorrow. Shopping. Keep it minimal.

Tell Jordan..... slip away slowly.

Packing. Okay.

Breathe in , breathe out.
Breathe in breathe out.

Ok Cass. Think about it tomorrow. Time to sleep.


The morning light penetrated through the small crack in the window and hit me straight in my eye.

"Mother of ****"


Get up Cass, get up Cass,

I flinched, once, twice, thrice, and jumped up. I rubbed my eyes and looked around vaguely at my room.
Slowly, my eyes focused on my bedside cabinet.

The ticket.


And it all came screaming back to me.

"I have to tell Jordan." I mumbled to myself.

Getting up, I made my way towards the bathroom when I heard a knock at my door.
I went over and opened it to find Jordan standing in front of me with a look of disdain etched on his face.


"Yes?" I questioned beckoning him to come inside.

"You forgot to clean the dressing room. Again." He looked at me frowning.


"Oh..um ... sorry ...I guess."

" Well, it's going to cost you half of your salary."


"Wait no no please Jordan, I cannot survive with $30 . I need things to buy. Well this time a bit extra than what I usually spend. "

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