1. Madison Square Garden

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All the chapters are in Cass's pov. If any of them are in Adonis's, it will be mentioned.

Get busy living or get busy dying
~The Shawshank Redemption


"Cassandra Jackson get in here this instant!"

What the heck ?!?

"I'm in my room Jordon!" I shout to my co worker. I live in Madison Square Garden.

The door bangs open and Jordon walks in panting heavily like a constipated chipmunk.

"etojohiswihhalahwahkarr!!!" He breathes out.

"What?" If he thought that I understood whatever he just said, he is in for a surprise.

"Elton John is performing with Alan Walker today, not tomorrow. I saw your schedule, you got the dates all mixed up." He was looking at me unimpressed.

"Well..... Wait what!!!" I jumped up from the mattress and goggled at him.

"Yes. Exactly. Now Cass please don't sleep, we have work to do. It's at 8 00 pm TONIGHT. I repeat.. TONIGHT."

"Don't you find it weird that Elton and Alan Walker are performing together? It just doesn't make sense ... at all."

"Yeah, maybe.. but nobody cares about that. Especially me. The concert's going to pool in a lot of money .... quarter of which goes to my pocket." Jordon smiles satisfactorily.

Yeah ok well... What do I have to do? You already seem to have cleaned the hall." I look around me to see the empty hall cleaned up. Cleaning the hall before a concert is generally my job. Jordon seems to have done it this time. He usually works with the tech team and it's not difficult to comprehend that he receives a higher pay than me. I get $60 per concert which easily understood is not steady money.

I am just a maid with a guitar.

I follow Jordon to the backstage and down the basement where I live. My room is exceptionally small with a single sized bed, a bedside table with dresser and a small bathroom. It was originally a store room, but I renovated it with Jordon's help. My guitar is placed on my bed.

" Well, what work?" I question again.

" Make sure nobody enters the backstage without a pass. During the concert I mean." He replies.

" I have to come to the forefront today? That is not my job here!" I panicked.

"Neither is cleaning the hall my job."
Jordon answers rolling his eyes.

"So, do I change my clothes for it?" I ask nervously.

"That's ...... your choice Cassy." He eyes my attire sceptically and walks away.

I was wearing a white full sleeved body hugging buttoned top with blue jeans which was shredded near the ankles. Not purposefully.
To be honest, I have only five tops and two jeans. I cannot afford more.

I open the cupboard to choose one. Not one of them is remotely close to be worn to a concert. I sigh and decide to not change.

It's 6 00 pm here at NYC . I kill time by writing a new song which was playing in my mind for quite some time. I try out some new keys in my guitar and try to give it a sad tune.
My mom had taught me how to play the guitar when i was only 3 years old. I remember the day she bought my first guitar. We practiced all day. She used to be a nurse in the government hospital in the city. I was 14 years old when she died. The hospital she worked in had caught fire due to a faulty security system. Only one side of the building had burnt ..... the same side where my mom was working the night shift.
My father was a raging alcoholic and had killed himself before I was born. My mother raised me on her own. She was my best friend. We used to do everything together. She was my sole guidance . And I lost her.
I started working as a part time maid at different houses in the poor neighborhoods. The pay was not well so I left the jobs and happened to bump into Jordon Kent in a share taxi. He was working in MSG and helped me to get a job as a maid. I am not complaining , as the pay is better than what was before.

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