5. Adonis James Fuller

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Picture of Adonis above.

I hated the fact that I had fallen in love with her eyes.
~Adonis Fuller

⚠ unedited

Please reattach your seatbelts. We are about to land in a few minutes.

I heard the attendant speaking. Gearing myself up, I look out of the window and see long stretches of sand and water. Islands. Bedazzled I start to drool a little. The scenery is very different from that of the bustling streets of NYC and I feel like I am almost close to the gateway of paradise.
As the plane nears the shore, the airport is on the beach by the way, I see small cottages and streets beautifully structured. The palm trees completes the whole heavenly feeling.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Ethan leans in towards the window as a result, making me very uncomfortable.

"Mhh" is all I manage.

"Get back to your  seat." I plead shyly.

OK, I give up. My voice will never be strong again.

He chuckles and gets back to his seat.

I close my eyes as soon as I see the plane landing. It creeps me out. The seatbelt sign turns off and I get up to the queue. Ethan standing behind me, grins at me and asks, "Since we are going to the same house,why don't you come with me? I already have a cab waiting for me. It will be convenient for you."

I ponder over his idea for a few seconds and think that it might actually be a good idea. So I nod my head happily at him muttering a 'thank you'. We collect our baggage from the airport and head outside where Ethan motions a personal cab driver to us. The chauffeur, Billy, as Ethan calls him, fishes my suitcase and guitar from my hand and bows slightly to us and beckons us to follow him. Ethan didn't have much belongings as he was here for only a day. We get inside the cab, more like a limo, I should have known, and wait as Billy arranges my baggage at the back.

All this time, my mouth hangs open like a little freak, taking in the inside of the limousine.

One word. Long.

The limo is bigger than my room. Obviously.

It is freakishly spacious and I shivered as Billy got inside the car and turned the AC on. Ethan was sitting beside me grinning.

"I bet thousands of flies have already built their home inside your mouth." He says.

Lame. Lame. Lame.

I close my mouth and look out of the window as Billy starts to drive. Did I mention, Mauritius is heavenly? Probably a few hundred times. I feel the urge to write a song describing the scenery. It was more than majestic. Beautiful resorts and private houses came to view slowly and I slowly  plastered my face to the window. I may or may not have drooled a little. Okay a lot! Well you don't get to see such beauties in NYC.

After a few minutes, the car turned round to head towards a bridge. The bridge connected another island. I turn to face Ethan. "Where does the bridge go?" I couldn't see any other car on the bridge.

"It takes us to a more secluded island. The bridge just connects it to the main island. We have a beach house there. Well, but sometimes people who wants to stay there, pay rent to Adonis or sends it directly to Wilder, our father." He explained.

I nodded. So I have to pay rent after all! Didn't Mr. Walker say it was free?

We cross the bridge and turn right.

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