your first gathering

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"Y/a/n!" you hear a cat call your name you look up from your nest to see Graypaw and Firepaw "What?" you replie in a mix of tiredness and a growl in your voice "We get to go to our first gathering!" Firepaw says well Graypaw smiles "That's asome!" you say "Now is Ravenpaw coming too?" you ask "Yep he is coming with us!" Graypaw says in that moment Ravenpaw comes into the den "Hi guys!" Ravenpaw greets you flick your tail in greeting "Hi Ravenpaw!" both Graypaw and Firepaw say at the sametime.

~on the way to the gathering~

You were walking in the middle of Firepaw and Graypaw with Ravenpaw walking next to Graypaw on the way to the gathering "What do you think the gathering is like?" you ask even tho you knew full well what a gathering was like reading about them many many times. "I hurd that there were lots of cats there!" Ravenpaw said nervously "Don't worrie Ravenpaw we will be there with you so no need to be nervous"  Firepaw mews Ravenpaw nodded before casting a nervous glance at Tigerclaw.

~at the gathering~

After you and the rest of Thunderclan arrived at four trees Ravenpaw went off to tell stories to the other apprentices. Well Firepaw and Graypaw went off to who knows where well you go and try to find Shadepaw "So this is what a real gathering is like well to actually be here in a real gathering" you think to yourself not really paying attention to where you were going you bump into another cat you look up to see who the cat is and two toms you look at the tom you bumped into a silver tabby tom and a scar faced tom it took you a few moments for you to recognize both toms the silver tom was name was Bolder and the other tom was Clawface he was the one who was going to kill Spottedleaf. "Watch where you are going apprentice" you here Clawface hiss "S-sorry!" you manage to say before going to find Shadepaw again after a few moments to spot her talking with a silver she-cat that remind you of you favorite cat from Riverclan Feathertail who looked a lot like her mother Silverstream. You pad over to both cats brushing it off "Hi Shadepaw!" you call to her making Shadepaw and the cat turn around "Hi Y/a/n this is my friend Silverpaw" Your eyes widen "So that's Silverstream as an apprentice! No wonder she reminded me of her!" you thought "Hi Silverpaw..." you say Silverpaw smiles in return you never really liked Silverstream that much so you just pretend to like her for now later on you would take Firepaw's side when the whole "Silverstream and Graystripe" love thing happens you growl at the thought of it "Y/a/n!" you snap out of your thoughts when you here your name being called "hu what?" you ask confused "Are you ok? You were growling" Silverpaw asks "Oh am fine" you replie quickly before Shadepaw or Silverpaw could say anything more you here Bluestar's yowl telling you that the gathering was about to start.

~after the gathering~

After Brokenstar ended the gathering you said your goodbyes to Shadepaw and Silverpaw and went off to regroup with Thunderclan. When you got to the group Firepaw and Graypaw were looking for you and Ravenpaw so you walk over to them "Hey guys!" you say with a smile "Oh hey Y/a/n have you seen Ravenpaw?" Firepaw asks you shake your head in replie "Well we can meet up with him back at camp" Graypaw says "Yea" Firepaw agreed you nod.

~back at camp~

Mousefur walks over to you "So how was your first gathering?" Mousefur asks "It was great Mousefur" you replie Mousefur nodded "Now go get some rest we have training to do tomorrow" Mousefur said before she left. You nod and you head for the apprentices den.

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