Time To Go Home

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“Who are you?” demanded a Windclan warrior they had a black pelt and green eyes.
“my name is Fireheart and this is Y/w/n, and Graystripe. We are here to bring you home”
Fireheart meows as he pushes past you. The wary eyes of the Windclan camakekes you a
bit nervous hoping the situation over faster you say “We got rid of Brokenstar for you and
your warriors to thrive without having to worry about the constant attack!” all the Windclan
warriors seem to stare even more intently at you “that's right...” Fireheart meows “then
Windclan will follow you” a black and white tom with amber eyes stood, the tom you could
say was Tallstar. “are you sure we should?” a tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes asks
warily “of course” Tallstar responds “then let's go” Graystripe meows as he starts to leave
the hole followed by some warriors you follow them, the rest of Windclan following behind
“This way” Fireheart led the group of warriors through the passage back. A young white
she-cat with pale green eyes padded next to you “hey” greeted the young apprentice. “oh,
hey excited to go home?” you ask “of course! I'm tired of eating rats” her green eyes shone
with antiption “I'm Whitepaw, what's your name?” she asks “Y/w/n” you respond “that name
is cool! I hope to have a cool warrior name like yours!” she beams you smile back “Well I am
sure your name will be great when you do become a warrior” We“We should rest here for
tonight” you here Fireheart say you notice you were at Ravenpaw and Barley’s barn. You
were all led-in by Barley and Ravenpaw this is when it really hits how long it has been since
you have really seen Ravenpaw. You pull away from the group once you have the chance
and padded up to Ravenpaw. “Ravenpaw!” you call before he has time to react you tackled
him into a hug. “hey Y/a/n!” he meows as he smiles at you while hugging back. You get off of
him “I got my warrior name it’s Y/w/n now!” you beam at Ravenpaw he rolls into his paws
“that's amazing!” before either of you could continue Fireheart and Graystripe padded over
“Ravenpaw! How's life in the barn?” Graystripe asked “great! Did you get your warrior
names too?” Ravenpaw asks as they nod Fireheart tilts his head a bit “did Y/w/n tell you?”
Ravenpaw shook his head “no I just guessed because if they got their warrior name then you
must have as well” Ravenpaw meows
“oh well we did my name is Graystripe now!” the tom beamed giving a good-natured grin.
“and my name is Fireheart now” he twitched his whiskers in amusement at Graystripe’s grin.
“Bluestar gave you some good names” Ravenpaw comments “I suppose she did” Fireheart
meows “hey thanks for letting us stay in the barn tonight” You meow “of course!” Ravenpaw
You all talk for a while before you decide it was time to sleep.
You open your eyes to be in a field when a dark tortoiseshell tom with a bushy ginger tail
and amber eyes. Padded into the clearing you recognize the tom as Redtail, you look as he
walks over “Hello Y/w/n.” he meows as he gives you a respectable bow in greeting “hello,
Redtail” you give him a bow in turn. “why are you here?” you ask confused as you tilt your
head at him “I'm going to warn you now Y/w/n you are going to have to make tough choices
and all your actions have consequences so be careful when you make major decisions.”
Redtail warned his
Amber eyes shone with cation and concern “I understand Redtail” you mew reassurance
laced your tone he nods “good” his mew was calm. He stands up “until we meet again Y/w/n,
remember my words” he meows as he starts to pad away. You start to open your maw to call
to him but everything goes black.

You open your eyes to have the sun shining in your eyes. You look away annoyed wanting
to go back to sleep. You cover your face with your paws. “Y/w/n'' the voice seemed meek but
gentle with a gentle nudge to the shoulder. You remove your paws from your face and look
up to see who was pawing your shoulder you were met with Ravenpaw’s face. “morning
Ravenpaw'' you said groggily as you stretched a bit. “I assume I woke up late? Everyone
must be waiting on me before we go right?” you question “no you're one of the first cats up”
Ravenpaw commented his gaze swept the barn. His green eyes landed back to you and
stood up “so I assume you woke me for a hunt, right?” you ask the black tom he nodded
“Graystripe and Fireheart are going to join us” he explained. You nod “right the let's go” you
take to lead the way, Ravenpaw padding next to you.
After you all returned from the hunt each of you carried some plump mice, with Fireheart
also carrying a plump crow. You follow Ravenpaw to the makeshift fresh-kill pile, he drops
his catch in the pile while you and the others follow.
Soon the barn is buzzing with the voices of many cats when you hear “we should get going”
Tallstar meows you hear murmurs of agreement from cats around you. When everyone
started to file out of the barn you taking the back as you did yesterday you hear from
Barkface “The clouds are stained with blood! It is a sign from our ancestors. There is trouble
ahead. This day shall bring an unnecessary death.” your blood runs cold those words as you
remember Whiteclaw’s death. Those words... Graystripe... I have to steer everyone away
from the gorge... To save Whiteclaw. “Y/w/n!” you snap out of your thoughts when you hear
Whitepaw calling your name. “yes, Whitepaw?” you ask calmly trying to shake the fear in
your eyes and hoping fear didn’t leak into your tone. “were going now, are you okay?” her
tone laced with worry as she asked “yes, I am fine! Let's go Whitepaw” you start walking
hoping she would just follow.
When you finally reach the border of Windclan’s territory most of the warriors follow Deadfoot
the Windclan deputy back into their territory while Tallstar tells Onewhisker and Tornear to
take your group home. “We should go through Riverclan’s territory; it will be faster than
going through Four Trees.” Fireheart meows “are you sure that’s a good idea?” Tornear asks
his tone hard but laced with concern. “of course, I am sure they shouldn’t attack us! Since
they know we were bringinging you back and we are just going home” Fireheart meows
“sounds like a plan to me” Graystripe meows his agreement “if you're sure I trust you”
Onewhisker meows “we shouldn’t risk trusting Riverclan! We should just go the long way!”
you interrupt “Y/w/n has a point, Fireheart'' Onewhisker meows “I am sure that Y/w/n is just
being a bit worried they said they would hold off” Graystripe meowed “I suppose so.” Tornear
meows “but you can never be too careful!” you argue desperation seeping into your tone “I
am sure nothing will happen” Fireheart reassured his tone confident as he rested his tail in
your shoulder you sigh
“alright... I guess” you give into the tom deciding that there was no point in arguing, maybe
you could try and save Whiteclaw while in the battle before he falls. He smiled “alright let's
go” he started to lead the group unknowingly into an unnecessary battle.
When the group made it to the gorge Leopardfur led her patrol in front of the group blocking
the entrance “back off Leopardfur! Let us take these Thunderclan to fathom some were just
passing through” Tornear growled “none of you should be in Riverclan territory! Get out!
Riverclan attack!” Leopardfur called the attack on her call the warriors you didn’t have much
time to react before being slammed into by a dark brown tom with you being knocked off your paws you tried to get up but the tom had leaped up onto your back he dug his claws at
your shoulders. You tried to shake him off; he only dug his claws deeper drawing a bit of
blood. You manage to roll onto your back getting the tom to let go you rolled onto your paws
and scanned battlefield that’s when you saw it Graystripe was trying to pull Whiteclaw to
safety you were going to go and help but you were pulled back you felt teeth sinking into
your hunches you felt the grouping be pulled out from under you. You felt the cold stone but
that’s when you heard Whiteclaw’s fearful yowls making everyone pause. Your heart skips a
beat, fear flashes through your eyes. No! Whiteclaw I am so sorry!
“Whiteclaw!” Leopardfur’s yowl could be heard from across battlefield. You stood up and
joined your clanmates. When you got over you hear the Riverclan deputy hiss her eyes filled
with anger and sorrow “this is your fault!”
“he must have pushed him!” Stonefur accused his tone harsh with anger
“this was just a border fight! This should have never happened" Loudbelly commented his
voice stiff his anger and grief shining in his pale blue eyes
“Graystripe should be punished for this! Killing another cat is against the warrior code!”
Blackclaw a Riverclan warrior pointed out
“This was just a misunderstanding, no harm was meant” Whitestorm’s voice rose among the
Thunderclan warriors. Willowpelt stepped forward “my son would never kill another cat! You
can't blame him for defending himself!” Blackclaw stepped forward so he was closer to the
Thunderclan cats “This would have never happened if you hadn't trust passed on our
territory!” Blackclaw growled as he flexed his claws.
“the border by the gorge is even your territory you barely hunt here!” Tigerclaw hissed
Leopardfur pushed herself so she was in front of both groups “Riverclan settle down there is
no use for another attack” she sighs “we have suffered enough loss for today this has gone
fbeyondond a border fight we shall return to our camp and hold a vigil for Whiteclaw, this has
become a matter we have to settle at another time and in a different way let's go” the golden
she-cat meowed calmly despite the stormy look she had in her amber eyes. “very well
Leopardfur, Whiteclaw died with honour may Starclan watch over him” Tigerclaw meowed
as he watched the Riverclan cats leave.
“let's not linger here, let's report this to Bluestar” you here Whitestorm say before leading the
patrol away you follow, falling in next to Sandpaw.

Fire Alone Won't Save The Clan (Warrior cats self insert)Where stories live. Discover now