The fight

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Bluestar and Firepaw come out out of the tunnle "We have to go now" Bluestar repeats what you said "That's what Y/a/n said Graypaw mewed "Well lets go!" Bluestar said as she raced to the Thunder path where they had to cross well the rest of you followed close behind

~At the rat fight~

"Go that way you should be able to leave without the dogs" Barley mews "Thank you Barley" Bluestar mews before you got a chance to say that it wasn't a good idea to that Bluestar leads you all to the place you recognized all to well. You hear squeaks of rats they start to flood out of the bushes and under growth and into the clearing. Before you drowned in rats you caught a glimpse of Bluestar fighting off the rats. You felt the claws of the rats rack along your soft belly as well as your face you hiss in pain you try to push the rats off knowing you have to try to keep yourself from being injured so you fight in the battle with Shadowclan. As you push off the rats you hear there squeaks of pain as they hit the ground. You feel yourself being picked up by the scruff like a kit. And you set on your paws "Haven't you remember your training!?" Tigerclaw hissed "There was just so many rats!" you hiss back. As you see a rat tackle Tigerclaw. You could not belive what you were about to do but you smack the rat off of Tigerclaw before he had a chance to push the rat off himself. Tigerclaw growled at you but ran off to help with the rest of the battle. After a while the battle ended. Bluestar lays on the ground knowing she was losing a life you watch sadly but you know this had to happen. You pad over to everyone that surrounded the Thunderclan leader. "Bluestar is losing a life" you here Tigerclaw explain to the other apprentices. After moments you see Bluestar wake up "We have to get back to camp" she says as she fast walks us to camp.

~When you all reach camp~

Bluestar races into camp with Tigerclaw following behind with the four of you going in straight after Tigerclaw. You Firepaw, Graypaw and Ravenpaw get separated in the battle. You got tacked by a undersized kit. The kit tries to claw your face but you push the kit off "You are meant to be in the nursery little one" you say "No am ment to be here am a apprentice!" the kit hisses at you look at the kit and grab his scruff he starts hissing "Let go of me!" he growls you try to think of a safe place for the kit. Before you could get a place for the kit to hide and stay out of the battle you were tacked by Nightpelt "Let go of the apprentice!" he snarled you let the kit go not because you were scared you let go because you didn't want him to get hurt. The kit ran off into the battle. Nightpelt clawed your belly re opening the scratches the rats gave you before. You hiss in pain but also in fury you kick him off you and claw his muzzle blood comes out of the cut. He growls he swips at you but you move at the last minute and he missed you take this chance and pounce on him Nightpelt hisses in surprise you bite his shoulder. He growls and pushes you off him and leaves. "That was weird they normally put up more of a fight" you turn to where the voice came from only to find that Graypaw was the one who said it "really then that's pretty weak to me." you mew Graypaw nodded.
~after the battle~

After while the fight ended only to find out that Lionheart had died in battle. As Graypaw layed beside Lionheart's body Bluestar called a clan meeting they all gathered "Lionheart is now dead I now have to appoint a new deputy. May Lionheart hear and approve my choice Tigerclaw will be the new deputy of Thunderclan" Bluestar called everyone started to cheer for Tigerclaw but you.
"Am honored to except the position of Thunderclan's new deputy" Tigerclaw mewed "this isn't right" you think to yourself.

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