The Fight with Shadowclan

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When you got back to camp you realized that Yellowfang and the kits should be gone. It wasn't long before Frostfur came out of the nursery saying her kits are gone. The clan wenr searching for them. But you knew where they really were you went to find Firepaw. You were approched by Mousefur your mentor "Y/a/n go check the Medicine Den for the kits" she orders you reluctantly noded even if you had no time for this.

You raced to Yellowfang's den to see it empty. You turn to leave the den only for you to suddenly catch the scent of a Thunderclan warrior but you couldn't tell witch cat it belonged too. Until you saw a stary cat that looked like Redtail he beconed you with his tail for you to follow. You follow him out of camp. You made sure you weren't caught. You weren't exactly sure where you we're going but you trusted him.

Redtail lead you through Shadowclan territory and near where The Shadowclan cats should be. He disappeared from your sight. You decided that you would gather them and you would meet up with Firepaw, Graypaw, and Yellowfang later. You manged to find them. You find Ashfur the Shadowclan elder with some other cats. You step out into the small clearing as soon you stepped into the clearing all the cats whipped their heads around to face you. "Who are you?" hissed Ashfur as he stood he looked thin way to thin to be healthy, his pelt was matted as if not groomed enough. "my name is Y/a/n of Thunderclan I've come to help" you explain the gray tom nerrows his gaze at you "how did you know where we are?" he asks "I have friends who are coming to help not just me" you mew ignoring the question. As if on cue Yellowfang, Firepaw and Graypaw entered the clearing. The Shadowclan cats turn their attention to the three new cats in the clearing. They start talking to Yellowfang.

After Yellowfang filled everyone in on the plan to storm Shadowclan's camp and get the kits back you all start on your way to sneak into the camp. It was lead by Yellowfang. When you started to storm the camp Brokenstar and his warrior's were around the camp. When they saw you and your group Brokenstar stepped forward and started to talk.

You didn't really pay attention to his speech instead you looked around camp to see if you can spot the kits. You spotted a brown kit that looked about 4-5 moons old they looked like the apprentice that you faught in the battle with Shadowclan when you were returning from the Moonstone. He looked as though they had gotten only a little bigger but definitely looked thin their pelt looked ragged. Witch in hindsight made sense in the way Brokenstar treated his warrior's. 'I hate Brokenstar can't wait till we get rid of him!' You were dragged out of you're thoughts by the yowls of battle. You looked around your goal was to find the kits. You ran around the countless fighting cats only for you to be met with the Shadowclan deputy Blackfoot. "Where do you think your going?" he growls you look past him only a few foxlangths away the nursery was. That was where you assumed the kits werw being held. "To get those kits back!" you growl "well I'm not going to let you apprentice." Blackfoot hisses as he leaps forward you tried to move but you weren't fast enough. He rakes his claws along your muzzle. You hiss some blood was drawn but only a little bit 'he is much bigger than me so if I want to get out than-' you twist your body so it was much harder to reach your belly and your back paws were close to the ground. You roll on to your back as you did so you drag your claws along Blackfoot's cheek you only managed to draw some blood. You were sure that wouldn't scar. You were fast enough to atleast get out from under the deputy. You turn to face him once again. Blackfoot growls he lifts his paw ready to strike you again you look for an opening for you can exploit. You found none you weren't quick enough you feel him rack his claws along your shoulder. You were sure that would leave a scar as there was a lot of blood and it hurt. But you had to push through it. All of a sudden you saw a flash of white fly past your vision. "Y/a/n get the kits" it was Whitestorm. You nod. 'They must be here the battle is nearly over'

You race to the nursery to get the kits. When you enter the nursery you see two she-cats one a small tabby the other a black and white she-cat. You notice the small tabby has yet to kit. The other she cat has 6 kits with her. She must have the kits you were looking for. "You must be here for the little ones" the black and white queen mews. "I am" you nod "here" the queen gently pushes the 4 kits towards you. The four run over to you asking many questions.

You quite their mews by clearing your throat. That got them to quite down. "Yes we are going home-" your explanation was cut off by the triumphed yowls of the cats outside. You sigh with relief 'the battle it's over' You becon them with your tail "let's go home" you say as you lead the kits out of the nursery and into the main part of camp. Firepaw runs over to you "I see you got the kits" he purrs "I have." you nod the kits start saying that Firepaw and you were brave and can't wait to start their apprenticeship. "Let's get back Thunderclan" you hear Tigerclaw call you flick your ear at Firepaw as you pick up the nearest kit to you Firepaw picks up one the other two were picked up by Whitestorm and Longtail.

When you got back to camp Bluestar greets you all. "Where is Ravenpaw?" she asks "Dead he died trying to help save the kits" Firepaw explains she nods "he would have made a fine warrior." Bluestar mews Bluestar walks to the high rock and calls a clan meeting. "Thunderclan has won against Shadowclan this evening thanks to our warriors and three brave apprentices Firepaw, Graypaw, and Y/a/n. But it wasn't without a loss Ravenpaw faught bravely but he has died in battle. We will hold a vigil tonight. But for there bravery the three young apprentices will be made warriors" Bluestar becons you three fourth.

You, Firepaw, and Graypaw step fourth. "I, Bluestar, leader of Thunderclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Firepaw, Graypaw, Y/a/n, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" Bluestar looks down at you three.

"I do" Firepaw says confidently

"I do" Graypaw nods his tail curls with excitement

"I do" you nod

Bluestar jumps down from where she stood on the high ledge to meet you three "Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Firepaw from this moment on you will be known as Fireheart Starclan honours your bravery and courage, we welcome you as a full warrior of Thunderclan." Bluestar rests her muzzle on the former apprentices head Fireheart licks her shoulder. Bluestar turns to you and Graypaw she repeats this process a couple more times with you and Graypaw-now Graystripe-. "You three will hold a vigil tonight and gaurd the camp while the rest of us sleep there will be no talking for the whole night." Bluestar explained after the cheers of your clanmates had died down.

Later that evening it was just after you had eaten with Fireheart and Graystripe. "Your vigil is about to start so you might want to finish up" Whitestorm mews as he approches you three "we just finished" Fireheart mews "good luck tonight" Whitestorm meows.

That night you three were sitting in the middle of camp the still of the night didn't really bother you much since you were kinda use to staying up late a lot. But you were really tired after today so you weren't really sure if you could stay up. But you were going to try.


Alright so idk if I should make this a whole book like make it a series and make it go until the darkest hour and when it gets to then you maybe die and wake up idk

Or I can make it so it's one big book? Maybe Idk comment what you think thanks 💙

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