Honeymoon Getaway Part 2

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Paris! We're in Paris! I've never been here! I run up to Tobias and kiss him.

"I can't believe this! Thank you so much!" I say, and kiss him again. He pulls away soon after though.

"It gets better," he says, then takes my hand and we walk toward a gorgeous building. "This," Tobias starts, "Is the hotel we will stay at." He says, grinning from ear to ear. We walk in.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The woman asks, then she looks up. "Oh my, you're Tris! Oh my gosh! I can't believe you're standing right there! Oh wow! I met Tris! I can't believe it!" She screams. She pulls out a notebook labeled "Celebrity Autographs." Great, I think to my self. I am so thankful for my fans, I genuinely am, but I don't really like being the center of attention, at least off stage. On stage, is different, it's like... I don't know how to describe it, it's just... Amazing. I wish everyone had the chance to be on stage like I have to chance to. "Will you sign this?" She asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sure," I answer smiling. I always feel like the most special person in the world when I sign autographs. Like I'm floating around, I don't know why though. I sign my name and she gets even happier, if that's possible.

"Thank you so much! On wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She says.

"No, thank you." I say. She seems confused. "I didn't get famous. You made me famous, along with all my other fans. So thank you," I say.

"You're welcome," she says. She hands us the key to the room Tobias reserved. 464. I smile. It's spring break now, and our school gives us ten days, including the two weekends. We get out on Friday and go back in two Tuesday's. We get to our room and set our things down, and unpack a few things like toiletries. We leave our clothes and such in our suitcases. I sit on the couch and let my mind wander. I end up falling asleep.

I'm in a room and Marcus and my dad are beating Tobias, his body goes limp. The next day we have his funeral. Open casket. Marcus and my dad are here, laughing and making fun of him.

"Tobias! Tobias wake up! You can't be dead! No!" I scream.

"Tris! Tris! I'm not dead! I'm right here, it's okay, I'll always be right here," he says, holding me close. I cry into his shirt. " Tris, why have you been having these dreams?" He asks gently.

"I don't know, I guess I'm just scared to lose you," I answer. I stop crying. "We should get something to eat, it's about time for dinner."

"Okay, I am bringing you on a date," he says.

"What should I wear?" I ask.

"Something fancy," he answers. I go to my suitcase and find a dark red, strapless dress that goes down to the floor. I wear matching stilettos. I love stilettos, I don't know why people say they're uncomfortable, but everyone's entitled to their opinion. I go to the bathroom and do my make up. I wear matching red lipstick, I leave the gold smokey eye, mascara, and the design I did with my eye liner. I also cover up a few zits. I take my hair out of its dutch braid and curl it. I walk out and see Tobias wearing black dress pants and a white button up shirt he tucked in, also black dress shoes. I find myself biting my lip. He kisses me but I pull back.

"We should get going," I say, as I grab my purse. We walk to a restaurant, that's really fancy. We walk in and realize they don't speak English. At least I can speak French. (Authors Note: I'll put what they say in parentheses.)

"Bon'jour,  comment puis-je vous aider?" The waiter asks. (Translation: Hello, how may I help you?"

"Jai une réservation pour Eaton," I say. (Translation: I have a reservation for Eaton."

"Err, ici! Tableau quarante-six," she tells us, and shows us to our table. (Translation: Umm, right here! Table forty six.)

"Merci, Madame," I say. (Translation: Thank you, ma'am.)

"Where did you learn that?" Tobias asks, he is in total awe.

"I travel the world a lot, I know a lot of languages," I answer.

"Bon'jour, vous désirez Madame?" The waiter asks. (Translation: Hello, what would you like ma'am?)

"Je voudrais une salade et un thé, sil vous plait," I say. (Translation: I would like a salade and tea, please.)

"Et vous, monsieur?" The waiter asks. (Translation: And you, sir?)

"Umm, uh, ah," Tobias says, as he scratches the back of his neck.

"What do you want?" I ask him, laughing.

"Just steak and water," he says, laughing.

"Il aura une steak et une eau, sil vous plait," I tell the waiter. We give the waiter our menus. "Merci, monsieur" I say to the waiter.  (Translation: He will have steak and water, please. Thank you.)

"Wow, Tris," Tobias says.

"What?" I ask.

"What you said! That was amazing!" He says, making me blush. "You're so cute when you blush," he says smiling. That makes me blush even more. Our food comes and we eat and pay, then we go back to the hotel room, shower, and sleep.

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