Chapter is Dedicated to justurtypicalfangirl for the Amazing Idea!

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I wake up the next morning with excitement bubbling in my stomach, I've been like this since we found out about our little baby boys! I decide to wake Tobias up by a kiss. I press my lips to his and wait for him to kiss back, he does and I pull away. He pouts his lip.

"Come on," I start. "We're looking for baby names today!" I exclaim, I'm so happy!

"Okay," he says with a chuckle, and presses his lips to mine one more time before we both get up. I go to the bathroom and put my hair in a ponytail that has a bump at the top. Then, I start putting make up on, I put on a brown smokey eye, but then I run to the toilet and start to get sick. I hear Tobias come in and he holds my hair back for me. I brush my teeth and put on some lip gloss and mascara. Then I go to my closet and pick out a dark blue, button up dress that is tight, but poofs out a little. It ends right above my knees. I also wear my cowboy boots and dangling blue earrings. I walk out and see Tobias in a blue muscle shirt with jeans and blue Jordan's. We walk to the kitchen and see everyone, we're always the last ones here.

"Anyone have any names they like?" Lynn asks.

"I like Brady," Christina says.

"Me too," Will says, kissing the top of her head and wrapping an arm around her waist. Christina smiles.

"I like Tony," Shauna says.

"No," Zeke says. "Sorry, I just cannot stand anyone with that name," he says with a laugh.

"Okay, what do you like?" Shauna asks.

"Justin," he says. She smiles.

"Me too," she says.

"Do you have any names in mind?" Uriah asks Marlene.

"I don't know, I guess I kind of like Daniel," Marlene says.

"Okay, that's a perfect name," he says, and they kiss. I haven't really thought about names. I guess it kind of just slipped my mind. But come to think of it, i really like the name Miles.

"What about you, Tris?" Tobias asks, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"I really like the name Miles," I answer.

"That's what I was thinking," he says with a smile, we kiss and I feel that electric spark I do, every time. It's like fireworks. Then Kerry comes and tells me there's four people at the door. We all go see who it is. It's Peter and Eric, also Drew and Al. We let them in and go to the living room. We decide to watch TV. I lay down next to Tobias with my legs in his lap. Most of the other girls do the same.

"So," I start. "We need to decide about these weddings."

"I've already got mine completely planned out, except for the dresses and tuxedos!" Christina exclaims.

"Of course you do," Lauren says, we laugh. For a little while we plan out Shauna and Marlene's weddings, but then someone grabs me from behind and holds a knife to my stomach, right where Miles is. I am shocked, I just stand there I don't know what to do. The other girls are in the same situation, I'm so scared. If I do as much as move the wrong way, Miles and I are dead. The guys start towards us but Peter stops them.

"Don't come another step toward them or they're dead," he says. They start to drag us away, toward the elevators, and a tear slips from my eye. "Quit it," Peter orders. We get outside and they throw us in a black van. The other girls are silently crying, too.

"It's okay, they'll save us," I say.

"Don't be too sure," Drew says. The van stops and they pull us out. We go inside someone- I'm assuming Peter's- house. They throw us in the basement.

"Stay here or you're dead," Eric threatens.

"Guys I'm so scared," Marlene says.

"Don't worry, they'll save us," I say. The guys come down and tie us to chairs, our wrists tied to the arms, our legs tied to the legs. They cover our mouths but leave our eyes open. They bring a computer down and use Skype to video chat the rest of the group. I see Tobias.

"Here are your precious girls, and your babies," Peter says. I know Morris Code. I start tapping the chairs arm and say, "We're at 555 Veronica Lane." Thank gosh Tobias knows it, too. He says, "Okay, we'll be there soon. I love you." I say, " I love you, too." They leave the chat.

"What are you going to do to us?" I ask.

"Now why would we tell you that?" Peter says. They untie us and drag us near a river. I remember it's called the Chasm. He lives right next to the school, The river is next to the school. They punch me and choke me and hang me over the railing. They touch me. Peter has me by the throat over the railing. I see Tobias and the rest of the gang are here, Peter drops me and everyone runs, but Drew isn't fast enough. Tobias starts beating him up, while the others get the other three girls to the cars.

"Four," I croak. He comes over to me and pulls me over the railing. I fall asleep in his arms.

~Tobias Pov~

She said they're at 555 Veronica Lane. I shut off the video chat. I know what they're going to do.

"Guys, I know what they're going to do," I say.

"What?" Lauren asks.

"Kill them," I say. "At the Chasm. Zeke, Uriah, and Will get the truck, Lynn and Lauren, you're with me." We get in the red Ferrari. We get to the Chasm and I see Tris hanging over the Chasm by her throat, and Peter is holding her. I yell and he drops her, they all run but Drew isn't fast enough. I beat him up.

"Four," she croaks. I go over to her and pick her up. I hold her and carry her to the car, putting her in the front seat and buckling her in. I go back to Drew and put him in the infirmary, which isn't very far away. I go back to the car and when Lynn and Lauren are in, we go back home. I put Tris in bed and kiss her forehead.

"I love you, Tris," I say, then leave to let her sleep.

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