Chapter 27: Unexpectedly Unexpected

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A long chapter.
Sorry for the late update guys. Cram school

No one's pov

Lots of mess happened around in the building. The sounds of guns shooting, sounds of bombs, glass shattered everywhere and walls cracked. They lured all of the assassins out, not even care if the building would collapsed.

So far Bangtan and the others were slowly getting the triumph. Their hands have covered in blood, even their face had blood spats. Assassins were scared of them now because they showed the murderous intent in their auras.

Tae held his long metal pole on his shoulder, walking like he was about to start the massacre. He charged to his opponents and smacked hardly on their skull with his pole. He striked his pole into their ribs until he could hear the sounds of crack causing the assassins coughed blood.

He gave no mercy when he started to hold his metal pole. Tae, if he didn't have his weapon with him, he was weak but if he have his weapon with him, he didn't care if anyone cries blood infront of him.

Jimin jumped around with his sickles, spinning his weapon up on the air and threw them straight to their face. A lof of their rivals were taunting them, didn't want them to proceed to the next floor as the Bangtan were close to save jungkook.

Those two having a hard time to sweep away all of the assassins until their opponents have been shot with their own members. Jimin was surprised as he found out that they were a traitor before he realised it was namjoon's work.

Namjoon came to help them. He controlled his opponents with his strings making them as his puppets. The assassins were struggled to get out from his strings while begging him to stop from killing their own members. They were under controlled by namjoon but still conscious.

Tae asked namjoon about what is he going to do about them after all of this settle. Namjoon then answered without hesitant that he would going to kill them by making the assassins to kill them by themselves. The assassins were shivered after they heard what namjoon said.

Yoongi was snapped. He made a big spider web with his deadly poison strings and even slashed his opponents brutally. Jeongguk was in a great pair with yoongi. He could blocked himself from the strings with his scissors and kill the assassins easily without worrying any of yoongi's strings. And now they went to the fourth floor.

Jin, jhope and swess were in the fourth floor. Jin fought in a big distance since he was using a gun. Killing them in a close distance was fine but he preferred and more skillful in a big distance. Jhope was more soft compare to the other members. Mostly he taunted all of the assassins to him and killed them in a close combat. He usually takes time to kill his opponents but never lose when it comes to killing.

Jhope and jin defended swess from the other assassins and swess took the opportunity to run to the top floor.

Jungkook's pov

I was still sleeping but my ears were awake. I heard xiumin was saying something. "They come." He said and went out from this room. I slowly opened my eyes, staring out of the window. Now you could think about it, I heard some big explosions going on down there. What is happening?

I wanted to know what happened. Did hyungs come and save me? Where are they? Are they fine? Please don't die. Since I have a nice rest, at least I didn't feel hurt on my wounds a little bit. I shifted my position for me to face myself towards the door as I prepared the Red King continue to torture me. Well I wonder what time is it. How many hours have passed? It feels like it was already few weeks ahead.

Suddenly, someone barged in to this room. I widened my eyes after I saw him. It was swess. "Young master!" He spoke horrifiedly as he saw me that I laid like a dead corpse on the floor. Junghyun was right. Now I think I smelt like a dead corpse.

"Are you okay??" He ran towards my cage and held the bars before I stopped him from touching it. He was been electrocuted and backed away after. I told him that there was an electric current and told him that there was a switch beside this cage.

He switched off the electric current and went into my cage. I asked him to cut the rope that was been tied on my wrists before he brought me out from the cage. It was hard at first because I was still injured and fell onto the ground once more. My legs were trembling.

Swess helped me to get up but before he did, someone came up from behind him, grabbing his collar and threw him to the side. I looked up in a straight stare to his face. "D.O..." I whispered.

He was serious and I think he was in a bad mood. He didn't came up to me but he went to swess who was now in pain to move. A machete was on D.O's hand. I looked at D.O's eyes and it says everything..

"SWESS!!!..." I yelled before his head fall of infront of my eyes. Blood splattered from his body. His head was decapitated. I was stunned from seeing his neck been slashed by D.O. My tears started to fall. I'm tired of crying but..

Swess... He died...before me.




Calm down hey.. Who killed him?


"DO KYUNGSOO!!!..." I shouted and he went out from this room. I cursed and cried loudly in the room. Swess was my best bodyguard. He took care of me since I was born up until now. He taught me a lot of things but I didn't expect him to die now. Not when he was trying to save me...

No one's pov

The bangtan finally met up also with jeongguk. Two Red King left that they have to kill. They all went to the top floor and realised that swess was not with them. Jeongguk froze on his step and the bangtan was wondering why did he stop.

"Get Do Kyungsoo alive. We have to bring him to kookie." Jeongguk said causing the others were curious on what was happening. They nodded and followed what he said.

Kookie... You're going to have a severe fever again... Not that severe but this will traumatised you after all of this ends...


A cursed...


You have to snap...

By that words, jungkook's eyes turned into big glowing red. A monster just awakens from its sleep.

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Re's out. Peace!

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