Prologue Part 2 (rewritten)

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Bold: talking over radio or something

*No one POV*

David teleported into his ship and started to prepare to leave for 3 days. He starts up the ship that slowly start to hover over the ground. As he does, he starts to mentally check if he has everything he needs with Ghost.

David: Ghost, do we have everything?

Ghost: Think so...

David: Food, ammo, supplies, weapons?

Ghost: Check, check, yep, and definitely. We have everything we need... *worried* you sure you're ready to do this?

David: *Sighs*... yeah, I'm ready... Let's go before I change my mind.

Ghost: Alrighty then, let's go. But before we do, we have to let the Vanguard kno-

David: Yeah yeah, I'm on it...

He presses a few buttons on the ship before we hear Zavala speak through a radio channel.

Zavala: Report, Guardian.

David: This is City Hawk 7-2-3, taking off and preparing to go radio silence on all channels, over.

Zavala: Copy that. Fly fast, fly safe, Guardian.

David: Understood sir.

With that, his ship takes off, flying off to where only he and Ghost knows.

*Time skip*

We see the ship flying through Earth, passing clouds at a fast speed. Now inside the ship, we see David putting in a set of coordinates into the ship's map, setting it into autopilot. Once he's done, he sighs and tries to relax in his chair. He then starts to talk to Ghost.

David: Ghost, how long until we get there?

Ghost: Approximately half an hour. Why?

David: I'm ganna take a nap... wake me up when we get within 20 meters.

Ghost: Understood. I'll let you know if somethings up.

David grabs his MP3 player and headphones from his pocket. He puts on his headphones and listens to music while he sleeps.

(Play song)

David plays a song that he and someone very important to him used to love listening to together. As he sleeps, he remembers the times he and his fire team had been together and all the stuff that they went through.

*Time skip*

We see the ship slowly starting to get closer to the ground of an area with thick clouds. As we do, Ghost wakes David up.

Ghost: Wake up, we're here.

David wakes up as we see an area clear up from the clouds as the ship flys low to the ground.

David wakes up as we see an area clear up from the clouds as the ship flys low to the ground

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