Introduction: Awkward First

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The only sound that can be heard in the room was the light chatter of Natsuki and Monika, both of them clamoring on about the new member who Sayori was introducing today. This enthusiasm was cute to watch but Yuri was never one for it, so to pass the time she sat in her usual desk hunched over with her book wide open. As she turned the page to the next chapter the classroom door swung open and Sayori in her usual peppy attitude entered smiling. At the sight of this Yuri cringed slightly and returned to her book, trying her best to pay no mind to anyone, but the loud talking just distracted her and caused her to look up and stalk from afar. Playfully Sayori stuck her head into the hallway and made hand gestures as if to beckon someone, and a few seconds later the supposed newest member walked in. Everyone was taken by surprise in learning the one they had let partake in the club was a guy!

Yuri was peeking over her book at the group, her eyes especially fixated on this mysterious new guy. In her mind something went off as she was looking at him, it was a new sensation to Yuri and she did not like it one bit. Her stomach was churning, anxiety rising, and on top of that Yuri could even feel her heart speeding up at a rapid pace. To offset the feeling of absolute weakness Yuri went back to reading, eagerly awaiting the club meeting to be over, those agonizing minutes taking ages to pass as Yuri struggled to keep focus away from everyone. Taking another peek up Monika was beckoning her over to be introduced, and with great reluctance Yuri gave in and marked the page before closing her book.

With a sluggish pace Yuri finally made it over to where everyone was, shyness overcoming her to the point that she could not even look up and locked her gaze at her feet. Sayori wrapped her hand around Yuri's arm and shook her gently, "And THIS is Yuri! She is the smartest person I know!". The new member outstretched his hand to her, saying in a sweet tone "Pleasure to meet you, my name is MC." Yuri hastily overstretched her hand, locking it in MC's warm grip gently and shook in unison, "N-nice to meet you..." Yuri murmured softly as she looked up slowly to meet his deep brown eyes. "He seems super nice! I don't want to look weird to him." Yuri thought to herself, trying to think of what to say next to her little boy crush, but through her deep thinking she realized she never even let MC's hand go and quickly did so. Their eyes stayed locked and Yuri finally looked away with a gentle shy smile, Monika suddenly chimed in with her usual cheery attitude, "So who is hungry? Natsuki made us some cupcakes to celebrate the new member!" to which every except Yuri followed her to the back of the room.

Yuri returned to her favorite spot and flipped open the book to where she left off, the embarrassment of how her first impressions went plagued her mind. A few moments of silence had passed and Yuri heard a desk seat nearby move when she lifted her head out of the book she reacted with a jolt as she discovered MC was sitting right across from her, his expression being one of visible shyness as well. "Well hello again, Yuri. I bought you a cupcake..." MC said softly as he offered a cupcake in his free hand, Yuri graciously accepted with a wholesome "Thank you very much." before she took it out of MC's hand, as she grabbed it her fingers gently rubbed against his hand and she blushed heavily. The two sat in silence, not having any idea what to say until MC asked curiously "So... What book are you reading?", to which Yuri smiled a little and replied "The Portrait of Markov. It's really good". No one, not even her friends in the club have really expressed interest in anything Yuri was doing, more often than not they would just ask her to put the books aside and work on poems with them, which always secretly bummed her out. Yuri gently nibbled on the cupcake, trying her best to look enveloped by her story but couldn't resist looking up at MC, who as well would lock eyes with her when she did so.

Swallowing the last bit of his cupcake MC said shyly "Um... Yuri?", his face turned red with blush as Yuri replied "Y-eah? Whats up?" in a shaky voice, his anxiety obviously blistering up now. "S-so... I was wondering if maybe... We ca-" but before MC could finish his sentence Monika said loud enough so everyone can hear "Ok everyone! Time to wrap it up so we can all go home!". Hastily MC and Yuri got their stuff together and made way to the door of the classroom, before they parted Yuri gently bowed her head towards MC and sprinted off while her mind raced a thousand thoughts. Leaving the school building through the back Yuri was finally able to calm down, her heart rate slowing and her mind falling to a silent bliss. "There is always tomorrow..." Yuri said to herself softly as a sweet smile formed across her face.

DDLC: Love Cuts Deep (Yuri X MC NSFW)Where stories live. Discover now